Abstract: :
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical and inflammatory response elicited by a porcine derived acellular dermal graft (PADG) associated to an impermeable polyethylene gel derived dressing (I) in the treatment of full-thickness wounds in a rat model. Methods: Two full-thickness wounds were surgically created along the dorsal midline of 16 rats (4 rats/group). The PADG associated to the I (G1) was placed superiorly and the PADG alone (G2), inferiorly. During the postoperative (PO) period, the implants received collagenase ointment twice daily until the sacrifice. The wounds were clinically evaluated by photos and the PADGs and surrounding soft tissues were assessed for histological evaluation at 07, 15, 30 and 60 PO days. Results: The impermeable dressing persisted associated to the PADG until a maximum period of 15 days. Clinically, the G1 presented less desiccation than the G2. The light microscopy showed an ulcerous formation covered by a fibrin crust and edema, inflammatory cell infiltrate and red cells in the dermis greater in G2 than in G1. At the 60 PO day, the G1 presented an epithelium similar to the normal. However, in the G2, ulcerous formation, an irregular and thin epithelium and lack of queratin were still observed. Conclusions: The PADG associated to the impermeable dressing presented better clinical and histological results than the PADG alone in the treatment of full-thickness wounds healing.
Keywords: wound healing • animal model • pathology: experimental