Abstract: :
Purpose: To investigate expression of fibronectin, a extra cellular matrix (ECM) protein, in the rabbit cornea after implantation of intra corneal ring segments (ICRS). Method: 10 rabbits underwent implantation of ICRS in one eye. Four fellow eyes were prepared by channels without any ICRS implantation and remaining (N=6) fellow eyes were left as control without any surgical procedure. Explantation of ICRS was done after 6 hours, 1, 5, 9, 14, 22 days, respectively 2 months. After corneal excision and fixation, these were sectioned and prepared by goat anti-rabbit fibronectin and undergone histological examinations. Results: Cornea with ICRS showed fibronectin both in basement membrane, epithelial cells and stroma, along the channels. Cornea with only channels presented fibronectin a similar pattern. The spatiotemporal expression of fibronectin varied in the specimens with ICRS. In comparison the control sections showed much fainter specific staining for fibronectin on basement level. Conclusions: These results indicate that fibronectin as ECM protein involved in corneal wound healing occurs in the wound channels of ICRS implants. The localization suggests fn expression to occur in areas of highest tissue trauma during ICRS insertion. It is under investigation whether this enhanced expression and its location is decreasing with time and which influence it has on other wound healing events. Investigation of ECM expression after ICRS implantation may lead to a better understanding of the tissue alterations caused and possibly to safer designs of ICRS models available.
Keywords: cornea: clinical science • wound healing • immunohistochemistry