Abstract: :
Purpose: To analyse the relation between nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) and VEGF concentrations in aqueous fluid and serum. Correlations between aqueous humor VEGF levels and age , Hb A1c, blood glucose levels, duration of diabetes mellitus are also analysed. Methods: Levels of VEGF in serum and undiluted aqueous humor of 23 patients who were operated for cataract surgery in PTT Hospital are measured by enzyme linked immunosorbant essay (Quantikine, RD Systems-catalog Number DVE00-Minneapolis, MN, USA). Eight patients had cataract surgery bilaterally. Fifteen samples from 9 patients with NPDR, 7 samples from 6 patients without diabetic retinopathy (NDR), 9 samples from 8 nondiabetic patients (NDM) are examined and compared. There were no statistically significant differences in age between the groups (NPDR mean age: 68.4, NDR mean age :68.7, NDM:71.8) Results are statistically analysed with Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn's multiple Comparisons Test, Spearman Rank Correlation , Ki-Square Tests in significancy of p<0.05) Results: Aqueous humor VEGF concentrations are statistically significantly higher in NPDR group (median:185 pg/ml, range: 61-340) than NDR (median: 88 pg/ml, range:23-216) and NDM group (median:100, range:28-182)(p0.05). Serum VEGF concentrations in NDR group (median:603 pg/ml, range:318-951) are statistically significantly higher than NPDR (median:250,range: 67-647) and NDM group (median:325, range:23-772) (p<0.05).There is no correlation between serum and aqueous humor VEGF concentrations in any of the groups. No correlation of aqueous humor VEGF with age, sex, serum VEGF concentration, Hemoglobin A1c, blood glucose level, duration of diabetes mellitus is found out. Conclusions: VEGF takes part in pathogenesis of NPDR, but serum VEGF, age of patient, duration of diabetes mellitus, blood glucose levels, Hb A1c can't be used as parameters to predict aqueous humor VEGF levels.
Keywords: growth factors/growth factor receptors • diabetic retinopathy • clinical laboratory testing