Abstract: :
Introduction: Panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) has been the mainstay of treatment for diabetics with proliferative retinopathy (PDR). Previous studies reported Goldman visual field changes after xenon and argon laser treatment in patients with PDR, but they are inconsistent in their variables and not conclusive. Purpose: To evaluate visual fields in patients with PDR pre and post PRP with argon laser. Methods: We included 30 patients with PDR with a visual capacity 20/200 or better, with clear media, and a reliable Humphrey visual field with an adequate stimulus, fluoresceinic angiography, and stereoscopic photographs before laser treatment. We excluded patients with a history of glaucoma, unreliable visual field, and visual acuity 20/200 or worse. We performed Argon laser treatment in two sessions of 900 spots each of 500m diameter, with the necessary intensity to achieve a grayish spot, the first session in the inferior sector and the second in the superior one. The follow-up was at 6 and 9 weeks after treatment, with angiography and visual field. Preliminary results: We found no concentric reduction of visual fields after PRP. We found scotomas post PRP application that disappeared with and increased stimulus in the Humphrey test. Conclusions: There are no important changes in the visual fields if the laser application is with a nonconfluent technique but there is a low campimetric sensibility.
Keywords: diabetic retinopathy • visual fields • retina