Abstract: :
Purpose: To assess the electroretinographic function in a subset of participants with age- related macular degeneration who have received prophylactic laser treatment in one eye as part of the CAPT study. Methods: Multifocal electroretinography (MERG) was performed in 20 subjects for both eyes at baseline, and at 3 months and 2 years following application of prophylactic laser according to the CAPT protocol in one eye. Analysis was performed utilizing 3 rings which correspond to the central macula, the ring in which laser is applied, and a peripheral ring. Comparison was performed between control and treated eyes at each timepoint, and within each group for changes over the 2 year followup. Results: At baseline, control and treated eyes had equivalent MERG first-order kernel responses (response density and peak latencies) in all three rings (p > 0.1). Over the two years, there was a slight increase in peak latency (range 1-4 ms) of outer retinal MERG first order responses, (p < 0.01), however the increase was equivalent in control and treated eyes. There is no significant difference between the two groups at 2 years. Conclusions: Administration of low intensity laser in a grid encircling the central macula does not result in any significant changes in MERG response when compared to fellow (control) eyes. This demonstrates one measure of safety of the procedure.
Keywords: age-related macular degeneration • laser • electroretinography: clinical