Abstract: :
Purpose: To investigate whether polyphenol, an anti-oxidative agent is useful for storage of corneal epithelium. Methods: We compared a corneal storage in Optisol-GS with and without polyphenol. A cornea with scleral rim obtained from a Japanese white rabbit(n=6) was stored in Optisol-GS with or without polyphenol at a concentration of 0.5mg/ml at 4 degrees C for 24 hours. All medium was changed to Optisol-GS alone and cornea was stored for 7,10 or 14 days at 4 degrees C. Examination of corneal epithelial cells was performed histological observation and immunohistochemical staining of occludin that is a component of tight junction . Potential of corneal epithelial cells was evaluated by cell migration activity. Results: At day 7, there was no significant difference between the pieces of cornea stored with and without polyphenol in any examinations performed in this study. At day 10, occludin staining was disappeared on the cornea stored in Optisol-GS alone. On the other hands, the staining spot was remained on the superficial layer of corneal epithelium stored in Optisol-GS with polyphenol. On cell migration the epithelium of cornea with polyphenol migrated much more length that without polyphenol . At day 14, there was no significant difference in occludin staining. The cornea stored both medium was not find staining spot. Although migration potential was remained only corneal epithelium with polyphenol. Conclusion: These results suggested that Optisol-GS containing polyphenol may be able to do long-term strage of corneal epithelium compared with conventional Optisol-GS, and polyphenol may be useful as an ingredient of corneal strage media.
Keywords: 373 cornea: storage • 372 cornea: epithelium • 341 cell death/apoptosis