Abstract: :
Purpose: To evaluate the optical quality of the cornea by analyzing the changes in corneal asphericity (Q), predictive corneal acuity (PCA), and corneal uniformity index (CUI) after conductive keratoplasty. Conductive Keratoplasty (CK) utilizes radio frequency energy delivered to spots in the peripheral cornea to steepen the central cornea to correct hyperopia. Methods: Data from consecutive patients who underwent CK as part of FDA trials was analyzed pre and post-op (6 and 12 months) utilizing the Holladay Diagnostic Summary software of the EyeSys 2000 videokeratoscope (24 eye, 13 patients). Topographical analysis was correlated with clinical data on uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA), and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA). Results: At 12 months, mean Q was increased by 0.1290 (p≷0.05); PCA and CUI showed no significant changes. Topographic mean regular astigmatism decreased by 0.2045 D (p≷0.05), as did the topographic mean irregular astigmatism by 0.062 D (p≷0.05). Mean UCVA was 20/40 or better in 90% of eyes, and BCVA was 20/25 or better in 100% of eyes at 12 months post-op. Conclusion: Topographic analyses suggest that the optical quality of the cornea was maintained after CK. The good visual acuity and minimized induced astigmatism supported the topographical data. Corneal asphericity was increased, suggesting a decrease in the prolate shape of the cornea.
Keywords: 550 refractive surgery: optical quality • 547 refractive surgery: corneal topography