Abstract: :
Purpose:To develop a model for assessing the growth of the fetal orbit. Methods:Normal human fetuses (n=88) whose gestational age ranged from 28 to 38 weeks of amenorrhea were examined. Orbitofacial parameters were as follows : outer and inner orbital distance, orbital length and orbital height. Correlations were tested among all parameters. Linear regression analyses of the gestational age and the orbitofacial and anthropometric parameters were used to develop models of growth. Results:The increase of each parameter could be accurately described by a linear model. The best correlation was found between right orbital length and gestational age (r²=66%). Sex had no detectable effect on these parameters. Linear regression analyses allow to define an equation to determine gestational age. The most pertinents parameters were : right orbital height, outer orbital distance and cranial perimeters. The standard error was +/- 2, 62 weeks. Conclusion:The parameters that were studied in the foetal orbit follow a linear growth and allow to determine gestational age with a correct standard error.
Keywords: 501 orbit • 363 comparative anatomy • 350 clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: biostatistics/epidemiology methodology