Abstract: :
Purpose: To quantify ultrasound biomicroscopic morphologic changes of the anterior chamber angle before and after cataract extraction in eyes with plateau iris syndrome and to determine the effect of postoperative zonular relaxation on ciliary body position. Methods: Eyes with plateau iris syndrome scanned before and after cataract extraction between January 1994 and September 2001 were enrolled. Changes in anterior chamber depth (ACD), angle recess area (ARA), angle opening distance at 500µm (AOD), and the iridociliary relationship were assessed. Results: Five eyes of 5 patients were enrolled. Mean age was 76.0 ± 5.2 (SD) years (range, 69 to 81). Mean refractive error was +3.5 ± 1.4 diopters (range, +1.75 to +5.1). Iridociliary contact was present before and after cataract extraction in all eyes. ACD (p<0.001 paired t-Test), AOD (p<0.02), and ARA (p=0.08) increased after surgery. Conclusion: Although the anterior chamber deepens after cataract extraction in plateau iris syndrome, iridociliary apposition persists. Postoperative changes in the anterior segment in these eyes suggests that narrowing of the angle in plateau iris configuration in older individuals involves the ciliary body-zonule-lens capsule relationship, rather than just an abnormality of ciliary body position alone.
Keywords: 430 imaging/image analysis: clinical • 318 anterior segment • 348 ciliary body