Abstract: :
Purpose:The phacoemulsicication and aspiration (PEA) for cataract case with corneal opacity is still challenging because of poor visibility. We used the light pipe for endoillumination during vitrectomy as an intracameral illuminator and report its usefulness. Methods:: We underwent PEA with endoillumination for three cases with age related cataract complicated by corneal opacity. Corneal transplant was not indicated in these cases due to fundus pathology, patients’ desire, or donor availability. Surgical technique was to insert light pipe through corneal limbus into anterior chamber and used it during intraocular procedures including anterior capsulotomy and PEA without microscopic illumination. Results:The light pipe enabled surgeons to recognize anterior capsule, nucleus, or cortex clearly, and every maneuver was carried out safely under sufficient illumination. In some situation, the light pipe was too large to insert through the stab incision, so that it was better to use it as an exterior light. It could be also used as a nuclear divider hook. All patients were satisfied with the surgical result. Corneal endothelial loss was 12% and 30% in measurable cases. Conclusion:The intracameral illumination with light pipe is a useful option for PEA in corneal opacity cases, providing better visibility and safety.
Keywords: 338 cataract • 356 clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: systems/equipment/techniques