Abstract: :
Purpose:To determine if there is any change in the axial length growth following cataract surgery in children. Methods:Twelve eyes ( 7 patients) had its axial length measured before and after cataract surgery and the recorded growth was compared with the expected length for normal eyes. The refractive changes after surgery were reviewed, the first post-operative refraction was compared with the last refraction. Results:The mean growth was 0.408 mm. The mean expected growth for each patient according to the age of surgery and the time between both ecometries is 1.217 mm ( p=0.004). Two patients who underwent monocular cataract surgery had shorter lengths (1-2 mm) in comparison with the fellow eye. Patients younger than 2 years at time of surgery had a little myopic change (1.22 D) the mean time between both refraction records was 8.5 months, patients who underwent surgery after 2 years observed a stable refraction or hypermetropic shift, with a mean time between refractions of 10.8 months. Conclusion:The axial length growth is retarded after lens extraction, this condition modifies the refractive development and must be considered for the IOL power selection in the pediatric population.
Keywords: 338 cataract • 609 treatment outcomes of cataract surgery • 432 imaging methods (CT, FA, ICG, MRI, OCT, RTA, SLO, ultrasound)