Abstract: :
Purpose: To investigate the damages and clinical significance of corneal endothelia after extracapsular cataract extraction ( ECCE) and IOL implantation, we have observed 11 cases (11 eyes) of cataract whose corneal endothelial cell density (ECD) was 509-995 cells per mm², averagely 691. 9 cases are acute angle-closure glaucoma, 2 cases post anti-glaucomatic surgery and 2 cases are after keratoplasty. All of them received ECCE and IOL implantation. Methods: ECD, the percentage of the hexagonallity ( Hex.) and the cell size variation coefficient (CV) were measured by a contact specular microscopy (Bio-optic LSM-2000cs) before and after 6-18 months operation. Results: There is no recognition of structural damage on corneal endothelia in all cases by ECCE and IOL. ECD, the cell size, CV and Hex. have a less significant loss or changes after operation. None suffered a complication from corneal endothelial dysfunction, such as corneal opacity, edema nor phlyctenular keratitis, even in some case in the test group, the ECD is below 500. Conclusion: There is a clinical significance to allow such an operation on a patient who has lower ECD (under 1000), if a perfect skill of ECCE associated IOL have being performed. There might have a lowest limit on ECD in such cases, because the cell size becomes so big and has a less density, in contrast to those in regular case, which may causes significant changes on the properties of cell membrane. So the cell property could be so different from a regular cell, regarding its composition, morphology and functions. Comparison of the parameters before and after the ECCE and IOL on a corneal endothelia with a Lower