Abstract: :
Purpose: The authors have reported that the position of the central clear zone measured by Scheimpflug slit photography is a useful index for measuring the position of the crystalline lens in the eye. We investigated the anterior eye segment structure in pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PEX) by Scheimpflug photography. Methods: 54 eyes of 39 subjects with PEX (Mean age 78 ± 6 yrs , 55-89 yrs. Old) who visited Kanazawa Medical University Hospital were enrolled. 705 eyes of 365 cases without PEX (Mean age 63 ± 9yrs , 55-84 yrs. Old) were selected as controls. Scheimpflug images of the anterior eye segment were documented by the anterior eye segment analysis system (EAS-1000, NIDEK) under maximally dilated pupils. Anterior chamber depth (ACD), lens thickness (LT) and the length between the posterior surface of the cornea and the central clear zone (CCZ) were measured from the photographed images. The distance from the anterior capsule to the central clear zone was used to indicate LT in this study.Results:ACD decreased and LT increased with aging in both groups while CCZ showed little aging change. ACD and CCZ showed a positive linear correlation with axial length in both groups. When the axial length was adjusted, ACD and CCZ were significantly smaller in the PEX group but when both axial length and age were adjusted, although both ACD and CCZ in the PEX group were smaller than those of the normal group, only CCZ showed a significant difference. Conclusion:The results suggested that the lenses of PEX eyes are in a forward malposition. CCZ measured by Scheimpflug slit photography was an excellent marker to detect the malposition of a lens.
Keywords: 318 anterior segment • 338 cataract • 430 imaging/image analysis: clinical