Abstract: :
Purpose: Evaluate the correlation between macular thickness measured by retinal map OCT and visual acuity in patients with diabetic macular edema before and after laser photocoagulation and also compare OCT map pattern of macular edema with the fluorescein angiography pattern of macular leakage and fundus biomicroscopy. Methods: Prospective evaluation of 18 eyes of 11 patients with diabetic clinical significant macular edema , best corrected visual acuity (LogMar), fluorescein angiography and OCT retinal map were performed in all patients. Tree examiners independently examined OCT pattern of macular thickness, fluorescein angiography pattern of leakage and fundus biomicroscopy. Statistical analyses : Pearson correlation coefficient and assessment of agreement and kappa test Results: There was a significant correlation between pre treatment visual acuity and central retinal thickness measured by OCT (r=0.524-p=0.031) and also a positive correlation between post treatment OCT visual acuity and OCT central retinal thickness (r=0.698-p=0.002). There was a perfect agreement between fundus biomicroscopy and OCT retinal map pattern of thickness if it was diffuse or focal, Fluorescein angiography pattern of leakeage had 83.3% of agreement compared to fundus biomicroscopy exam and OCT retinal map pattern of thickness. Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between central retinal thickness and visual acuity. There was a perfect agreement between fundus biomicroscopy and OCT retinal map regarding pattern of retinal thickness if it was diffuse or focal. OCT retinal map was unable as well as fundus biomicroscopy to identify ischemic macular edema
Keywords: 388 diabetic retinopathy