Abstract: :
Purpose: The technique of bimanual vitrectomy is very useful for removing difficult membrane or foveal translocation, but it requires self-illuminated devises or 4-ports system. We have developed a new system for optic fiber-free bimanual vitreous surgery. The purpose of this paper is to describe the new system. Methods: The system consists of a newly designed field lens suspended from the operating microscope and a prismatic inverting device. The lens is placed above the cornea and the illumination from the operating microscope creates an inverted image of the fundus, which is made erect by an inverter system. The light source of the microscope was 50W halogen lamp, and the light intensity on surface of the retina was 30 mW/cm2. No fiberoptics is required, and both hands are free to use two microinstruments. We used this system in 37 eyes with preretinal membranes due to diabetic retinopathy or proliferative vitreoretinoapthy. Results: The system was used successfully in all cases. Membrane dissection and hemostasis was performed without incidence. An improvement of visual acuity of 2-line or more was found in 30 of 37 eyes. The 5 eyes revealed no change of more than 2-line, and 2 eyes decreased acuity by more than 2-line. There was no evidence of photic toxicity. Conclusion: We conclude that this system is very useful for bimanual vitrectomy.
Keywords: 628 vitreoretinal surgery • 388 diabetic retinopathy • 524 proliferative vitreoretinopathy