Abstract: :
Purpose:To examine the influence of lental epithelium on the axonal regeneration of the adult retina in a rat model in vitro. Methods:After crushing of the optic nerve, flat mounts of adult retina of the rat were co-cultured together with lens capsules and attached epithelial cells. Lens fibres were removed before. The axonal regeneration was examined by light microscopy before and after immunofluorescent labeling. Results:Co-culturing of adult retina and lens epithelium resulted in an outgrowth of axons towards lens epithelial cells. The number of outgrowing axons was higher, if retinal ganglion cells were placed close to lens epithelial tissue. Conclusion:The findings indicate that lens epithelium has an attractive effect on the regenerating adult retina of the rat.
Keywords: 553 regeneration • 557 retina: proximal(bipolar, amacrine, and ganglion cells) • 316 animal model