Abstract: :
Purpose:To determine the frequency of paralytic strabismus according to the affected nerve in our hospital. Methods:This is a retrospective study where we reviewed the files of patients with a paralytic strabismus of the III, IV or VI cranial nerve in the Department of Strabismus at the Fundación Hospital Nuestra Señora de la Luz, I.A.P. from January 1991 to December 31, 2000. Results:There were 355 cases with motor paralysis in 10 years, corresponding to 5.3% of all strabismus. The IV nerve was present in 40.8%, VI in 33.8% and III nerve 25.3% In all the cases it was more frequent to find palsies than paralysis . In the case of the III nerve, the incomplete form was the most common (65.85%); it was more frequent the unilateral presentation secondary to trauma, always on the left side. The etiology for the IV nerve was more frequent from idiopathic origin (57.14%), following the traumatic (30%) and then hypertension (5.71%). For the VI nerve it was the idiopathic the most frequent cause (44.11%), then hypertension (19.11%) and finally trauma (17.64%). In relation to the III nerve, the most important cause was idiopathic (31.70%), then the traumatic (26.89%) and then hypertension (19.51%). Conclusion:In this study, the most common affected nerve was the IV and probably because we do not see cases with systemic diseases ,as in general hospitals, where the vascular and neurological cases are more common.
Keywords: 352 clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: natural history • 495 ocular motor control • 588 strabismus