Abstract: :
Purpose:To report a case of panuveitis and retinal vasculitis associated with Mycobacteria malmoense. Methods:Case history review. Results:A 31 year old Caucasian woman smoker with blurred vision had bilateral perivenular sheathing with leakage, and disc oedema on fluorescein angiography. Systemic steroids, and surgery for glaucoma and cataracts were required. Chest radiographs revealed an apical mass. Biopsy and histopathological examination yielded granulomatous inflammation with acid fast bacilli. Mycobacterium malmoense was the organism cultured. Antituberculous therapy caused complete resolution of the ocular and systemic condition. Conclusion:In the United Kingdom there has been a reported increased incidence of these organisms. Previously unreported, Mycobacteria malmoense can be associated with intraocular inflammation.
Keywords: 611 uvea • 554 retina • 468 microbial pathogenesis: clinical studies