Abstract: :
Purpose:To investigate the presence of alpha-V beta-3 intgerin on proliferating endothelial cells of choroidal neovascular membranes (CNV)associated with human age related macular degeneration (ARMD). Methods:Immunohistochemical staining was performed using paraffin embedded human CNV tissue extracted during submacular surgery from ARMD patients (N=14). Anti - Alpha V beta 3 monoclonal antibody tagged with fluroescein was adsorbed to deparaffinized CNV tissue slides containing the extracted membranes. Antigen staining was then carried out using standard protocol. Controls consisted of deparaffinized CNV tissues slides containing extracted membranes adsorbed to anit-IgG antibody. After Immunohistochemical staining, control and study slides were examined under the microscope for differential staining.Intensity of staining was photographed and digitized. Results:The slides incubated with alpha-V beta-3 antibody showed a distinct fluorescent signal, that was localized to the endothelium of choroidal vasculature, under the microscope when compared to controls.The intensity of staining was statistically significant. (p< 0.01) Conclusion:Alpha-V beta-3 integrin is very specific to choroidal new vessels. Proliferating new vessels in CNV, at the level of the endothelium, possess alpha-V beta-3 integrin. Thus, conjugation of anti-angiogenic agents with alpha-V beta-3 integrinC specific monoclonal antibody may help selectively target neovascular vessels and prove beneficial in inhibiting angiogenesis in AMD.
Keywords: 346 choroid: neovascularization • 566 retinal neovascularization