Abstract: :
Purpose: To examine the histologic findings in a pair of eyes obtained post-mortem in a patient with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) who had undergone PDT and Miravant© therapy. Methods: A 73-year-old man with AMD underwent Miravant© therapy to his right eye and PDT to his left eye 16 months and 2 weeks prior to death, respectively. The left eye had undergone retinal translocation surgery 1 year prior to death. The eyes were obtained post-mortem and serial step sections through the posterior poles were obtained. Sections were stained with H&E, PAS or PTAH and two-dimensional reconstructions were performed. The reconstructions were compared to fluorescein angiograms. Results: Both eyes demonstrated disciform scars in the maculae. The right eye contained collagenized type 2 (subretinal) choroidal neovascularization (CNV) and the left eye contained type 2 CNV under the translocated, PDT-treated fovea. There were extensive thrombi confined to the subretinal portion of the CNV in the left eye and scattered thrombi in the disciform scars in both eyes. Conclusion: These results indicate that extensive thrombosis occurs in the subretinal portion of CNV treated with PDT, and involutional changes to the CNV occurs with time after Miravant© therapy.
Keywords: 346 choroid: neovascularization • 454 laser • 507 pathology: human