Abstract: :
Purpose: To describe a case series of orbital varix associated with orbital wall defects. Secondly, to demonstrate a case of progression of orbital wall defect to an encephalocoele. Method: Retrospective analysis of all CT and MRI orbit scans of patients diagnosed with orbital varices (n=223) presenting to Moorfields Eye Hospital, London. Exclusion criteria included previous surgical intervention, histological diagnosis of lymphangioma or frontal lobe encephalocoele. Results: Seven cases (3.1%) were identified with orbital varix associated with orbital wall defects. Five males and two females presented either with intermittent proptosis or Valsalva induced pain. Three cases were associated with pitting of the orbital wall secondary to orbital varices. One case was associated with a large posterior superior orbital wall defect and two with an enlarged superior orbital fissure. One of these had a varix extending into the frontal lobe. One female patient had small supranasal quadrant orbital wall defects and a low cribriform plate, which progressed to an encephalocoele within nine years. Conclusion: Orbital wall defects occur in patients with orbital varices. An orbital wall defect may lead to an encephalocoele. This is an unreported association in patients with an orbital varix. Clinicians should be aware of this association prior to embarking on surgical intervention of orbital varices.
Keywords: 430 imaging/image analysis: clinical • 501 orbit