Abstract: :
Purpose:To evaluate the histology of intrascleral content in patients with orbital implant exposition of more than 3 mm and its evolution. Methods:We included all patients who had an evisceration with exposition of the orbital implant of more than 3 mm or implant extraction between March to October 2001. Patients underwent surgery for extraction of intrascleral tissue, which was sent for histopathological analysis, which consisted of light microscopy, staining with hematoxilin and eosin, and paraffin cuts. Results:Four patients were included. Three patients had primary exposition and one patient had secondary orbital implant exposition. The age ranged from 7 to 49 years old, 3 male and one female. The time of exposure after evisceration ranged from 1 month to 29 months. The pathological result was: the exposition area ranged from 4 to 10 mm, the intrascleral tissue showed epithelium hyperplasia, fibrous connective tissue with chronic inflammatory reaction (linfocytes, plasmatic cells and histiocytes). Conclusion:The pathological finding support the theory that epithelial tissue does not allow the integration of the implant. The wound dehiscence is followed by intrascleral epithelial growth surrounding the implant and forming a bag adherent to the sclera.
Keywords: 507 pathology: human • 574 sclera • 356 clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: systems/equipment/techniques