Abstract: :
Purpose:To investigate the antiproliferative effects of the subconjunctival injection of Human RAD50 (hRAD50) on the fibroblast after the glaucoma filtering surgery. Methods:After glaucoma filtering surgery was made in normal rabbit eye, hRAD50 was injected subconjunctivally. Compared the morphologic changes on the subconjunctival area with mitomycin C(MMC) treated eye using the light microscopy and electron microscopy. Results:Two weeks after hRAD50 treatment (2µg), conjunctival epithelium increased in thickness and had many tonofilaments, but basal lamina was intact. The subconjunctival fibroblast had a few granular endoplasmic reticulum without distension. Most of collagen bundles and fibers surrounding fibroblasts disappeared, and apoptotic cells with many fragmented nuclei and condensed chromatin were observed. Four weeks after hRAD50 treatment, findings were similar with those of 2 weeks except slightly increased in number of collagen bundles and fibers and appearance of macrophage. In MMC treated eye, conjunctival epithelium also increased in thickness and had many tonofilaments. Intercellular spaces were widened and basal lamina was interrupted at some areas. Most of collagen bundles and fibers were shortened, and apoptotic cells were also observed. Conclusion:These results showed that the antiproliperative effects of local hRAD50 on conjunctival fibroblasts were similar to that of MMC, and suggested that hRAD50 could be useful as antiproliperative agent for local treatment of glaucoma filtering surgery but should be careful in human clinical trial for any systemic complications which were still not yet reported.
Keywords: 631 wound healing • 419 gene transfer/gene therapy • 365 conjunctiva