Abstract: :
Purpose: We investigated the ocurrence of meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) in Sjögren's syndrome (SS)-related dry eye using video-meibography and laser-meibometry. Methods: Enrolled in this study were 19 SS-related dry eye patients (all female; 63.18.7 yrs.). SS diagnosis was based on criteria proposed by Fox et al. (1986). Video-meibography was conducted using a high-sensitivity monochromatic CCD camera (SSC-M420, SONY), a hand-held penlight (MINI MAGLITETM, MAG INSTRUMENT) for illumination, and a video monitor. A newly-developed T-shaped glass adapter (applied portion width: 20mm; diameter: 4mm), mounted atop the MAGLITETM, was used to illuminate the meibomian glands directly from the skin side while enabling lower eyelid eversion. The digital video recorder was used to record images. The casual lipid level at the center of the lower lid margin was measured via the laser meibometer (ARVO 2000). Results: Meibography disclosed regularly arranged ducts and acini with no gland dropout in 12 patients, intact ducts with sparse acini (interpreted as very mild gland dropout) in 6 patients, and no ducts or acini (corresponding to severe gland dropout) in only 1 patient. Meibometry readings (mean SD;arbitrary units) in gland dropout (+) and dropout (-) groups were 0.1360.085 and 0.2120.104, respectively, showing no significant difference. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that MGD is associated less with SS-related dry eye than was expected. Meibography and meibometry are useful methods of obtaining information on meibomian gland structure and function.
Keywords: 357 clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: treatment/prevention assessment/controlled clinical trials • 376 cornea: tears/tear film/dry eye • 410 eyelid