Abstract: :
Purpose:To objectively measure and evaluate the degree of spherical aberration induced from LASIK performed with both conventional non-wavefront and wavefront based ablation profiles of the Wavelight Allegretto Wave excimer laser. Methods:Wavefront analysis with both Tscherning and ray tracing aberrometry was performed on 100 patients who were treated with either conventional non-wavefront or wavefront based ablation software with the Allegretto Wave excimer laser. Post-operative spherical aberration was measured and compared to pre-operative values for each patient at 1 and 3 months. Comparative analysis between the wavefront and non-wavefront treated groups was performed with respect to the induction of spherical aberration. Results:The mean amount of spherical aberration in the wavefront treated group was 0.19 pre-operatively, reducing to 0.18 post-operatively, with some individual patients experiencing a substantial decrease in their degree of spherical aberration. The mean amount of spherical aberration in the non-wavefront based group was 0.18 pre-operatively, rising only slightly to 0.20 post-operatively. The mean change difference was not statistically significant for either group but was statistically significant than controls treated with other laser systems who experienced a two to fivefold increase in their degree of spherical aberration. Conclusion:The Wavelight Allegretto Wave excimer laser system using wavefront guided ablations was highly effective at reducing the degree of induced spherical aberration from LASIK refractive surgery. The conventional non-wavefront based internal laser algorithm also targets a more prolate post-operative cornea and both effectively preserve low light contrast sensitivity and quality of night vision.
Keywords: 549 refractive surgery: other technologies • 545 refractive surgery: complications • 548 refractive surgery: LASIK