Abstract: :
Purpose:To investigate the effects of the amniotic membrane (AM) to the fibroblast behaviors, myofibroblast differentiation and Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP) activation after alkali burn in vivo by immuno-histochemical observation. Methods:The corneal alkali burn was made by placing a circular filter paper containing 1 N NaOH on central cornea of rabbits. The AM was then sutured with the basement membrane side facing down (AM group). No AM patching group was treated as the control. The AM was removed 3 days after wounding, and injured corneas were allowed to heal. On day 7, 14, and 21, corneo-scleral rim was excised and immuno-histochemical observations including Masson-trichrome staining, anti-alfa-smooth muscle actin (alfa-SMA), anti-vimentin, and anti-MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-9, MT-1MMP staining was performed. Gelatin gel zymography was also performed. Results:The AM apparently suppressed the alfa-SMA and MMPs expression compared to the control. The more proximate to the epithelial side, the more obvious inhibition was observed. The collagen fibers were more regularly arranged in the AM group. Zymography revealed suppressed activation of MMPs-2, 9 in the AM group. Conclusion:The AM patching after alkali burn suppressed the myofibroblastic differentiation and MMP activation in a gradient fashion indicating a possibility that the AM may release unknown soluble factors which possesses some anti-scarring effects.
Keywords: 374 cornea: stroma and keratocytes • 631 wound healing • 434 immunohistochemistry