Abstract: :
Purpose: To study the influence of IOFB weight and volume on final visual acuity and PVR development. Methods: A cross sectional analysis was carried out in 143 patients affected by penetrating ocular injury and IOFB at the Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) from 1989 to 1999, with a minimun of six months of follow-up. Final visual acuity was classified in three degrees: good visual acuity (≥20/200), ancillary visual acuity (from 1 m finger counting to 20/400) and poor visual acuity (<1 m finger counting). Weight and volume were measured by means of a precision microbalance (METTLER) and a scanning electronic microscope (JEOL JSM 6400), respectively. Results: 143 eyes were evaluated and 63% achieved a final visual acuity ≥20/200. The average of volume and weight was 6.6 mm 3 and 0.045 g, respectively. Both, weight and volume were related to final visual acuity (p=0.001). Final visual acuity was poor in 47% of eyes with IOFB which volume was ≥3 mm3. Final visual acuity was poor in 56% of eyes with IOFB which weight was ≥ 0.04 g. The risk of poor visual acuity increased a 10% by each mm3 increased in volume (odds ratio: 1.10) and a 14% by each cg increased in weight (odds ratio: 1.14). PVR occurred in 31% of studied eyes (45/143). The risk of PVR was increased 3.2 times in IOFB volume ≥3 mm3 (p=0.004) and 3.4 times in IOFB weight ≥ 0.04 g (p=0.08). Conclusion: Weight and volume of IOFBs are predictive factors of final visual acuity and PVR development.
Keywords: 524 proliferative vitreoretinopathy • 608 trauma • 459 low vision