Abstract: :
Purpose:To evaluate the cultured organisms and visual acuity outcomes of eyes with positive intraocular cultures after open globe injury (OGI). Methods:Retrospective chart review of all cases of open globe injury with positive intraocular cultures from January 1, 1995, through December 31, 2000. Results:The study included 34 eyes of 34 patients. Culture results were coagulase-negative Staphylococcus in 14, polymicrobial in 10, Bacillus in 4, and other organisms in 6. Endophthalmitis was clinically diagnosed in 18. Initial visual acuity ranged from 20/60 to NLP (median: HM). Intraocular foreign bodies (IOFB) were present in 4. Vitrectomy was performed at initial repair in 5. Intravitreal antibiotics were given at the time of initial repair in 9. Vitrectomy was performed after initial repair in 8. Intravitreal antibiotics were given after initial repair in 7. Final visual acuity ranged from 20/25 to NLP (median: HM). 20/200 or better vision was present at final follow-up in 6. NLP vision was present at final follow-up in 6. Bacillus was cultured from 4 (final VA=20/300, NLP, NLP, NLP). Positive cultures without clinical endophthalmitis were found in 16. Initial visual acuity ranged from 20/20 to LP (median: CF). IOFBs were present in 9. Vitrectomy was performed at initial repair in 9. Intravitreal antibiotics were given at the time of initial repair in 4. Vitrectomy was performed after initial repair in 5. Intravitreal antibiotics were given after initial repair in 0. Final visual acuity ranged from 20/20 to NLP (median: 20/300). 20/200 or better vision was present at final follow-up in 8. Bacillus was cultured in 2 (VA=2/200, NLP). Conclusion:The visual outcomes in patients with positive intraocular cultures after treatment for OGI is worse in eyes with clinically diagnosed endophthalmitis.
Keywords: 608 trauma • 398 endophthalmitis