Abstract: :
Purpose: To evaluate the reading performance in patients with anisometropic amblyopia with respect to reading acuity, reading speed based on print size, maximal reading speed and critical print size (CPS). Method: Reading acuity and speed of 15 patients (mean age: 35.0 ±5.8 years) with anisometropic amblyopia were tested monocularly. Visual acuity was recorded in LogMAR, reading acuity was determined in LogRAD (= reading equivalent of LogMAR). The reading speed in words per minute (wpm) was measured in both eyes with a stop-watch at a reading distance of 40cm. The refractive error was evaluated by cyclopentolat retinoscopy and then subjectively adjusted. Results: The mean visual acuity of normal eyes was LogMAR 0.1 ±0.04 and LogMAR 0.26 ±0.17 in amblyopic eyes (p<0.001). The mean reading acuity of the normal eyes was LogRAD 0.17 ±0.11 and in amblyopic eyes it was LogRAD 0.49 ±0.22 (p=0.004. Normal eyes achieved a reading acuity that was 83.2 % ±10.42% of their LogMAR-acuity, whereas amblyopic eyes achieved just 66.9 % ±20.6% of their LogMAR-acuity. Mean reading speed of normal eyes was 166.2 ±16.0 wpm and in amblyopic eyes it was 123.7 ±28.2 wpm. The maximum reading speed was 209.1 ±24.5 wpm in normal eye group and 166.9 ±38.3 wpm in amblyopic eye group. Differences are statistically significant (p<0.001). The mean CPS of normal eyes was LogRAD 0.47 ±0.18 wpm and LogRAD 0.79 ±0.19 wpm in amblyopic eyes (p<0.001). Amblyopic eyes read significantly slower at every print size. Conclusion: The reading performance of amblyopic eyes was significantly worse in all parameters. Interestingly, the reading acuity of amblyopic eyes was more affected than the distance visual acuity.
Keywords: 313 amblyopia • 539 reading • 620 visual acuity