We showed here that GO fibroblasts fulfil most of the proposed minimal criteria for MSC identification
10: they are adherent to plastic under normal culture conditions, and express CD90,
6 CD73, and CD105 while lacking the expression of CD45,
6 CD14, CD19, and HLA-DR. However, a significant proportion of control and GO orbital cells expressed CD34, a commonly used negative marker of MSCs, albeit to low levels. Despite often being acknowledged as a negative marker for MSCs,
10 adipose-derived MSCs (AMSCs) and committed preadipocytes have been shown to express CD34.
12 Thus, the presence of CD34-positive cells within a putative MSC compartment in GO fibroblasts may be linked to the cells' proadipogenic phenotype and spontaneous adipogenic differentiation potential in 3D cultures.
6 In addition, the presence/absence of CD34 on MSCs may depend on how, and from where, the cells have been isolated,
35–37 and, indeed, CD34 previously was found expressed in orbital adipose tissue, particularly in the nasal fat area.
14 Alternatively, CD34-positive cells may comprise a subpopulation of fibrocytes, having invaded the orbit from the circulation and contributing to the diversity of the orbital fibroblast phenotype,
8 and to the local MSC pool.
36 Although fibrocytes normally are CD45-positive and our GO populations have been found largely negative for CD45,
6 we cannot entirely rule out some fibrocyte involvement as the expression of CD45 in fibrocytes is known to decrease after they enter the tissue in vivo as well as during culture in vitro.
38 Overall, however, when marker profiles were analyzed for correlations, the frequency of the positive MSC markers CD105 and CD73 correlated positively with the presence of CD221 (IGF-1R), a marker that has been implicated in the pathology of the disease.
24 Conversely, CD34 expression was inversely correlated with the positive markers expression. This suggests that the increased expression of MSC-positive markers and correlated decrease in MSC-negative markers in GO orbital fibroblasts reflect the emergence within these cells of a population with MSC characteristics that may be linked to disease progression.