Erratum in: “Long-Term Reproducibility of Macular Ganglion Cell Analysis in Clinically Stable Glaucoma Patients” by Ko Eun Kim, Byeong Wook Yoo, Jin Wook Jeoung, and Ki Ho Park (
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015;56:4857–4864) doi:
In Table 3, the footnote should read, “Patients were divided into two groups according to visual field MD: mild (MD > −6 dB) and moderate to severe glaucoma (MD ≤ −6 dB).25”
The article has been corrected online.
Citation: Kim KE, Yoo BW, Jeoung JW, Park KH. Erratum in: Long-term reproducibility of macular ganglion cell analysis in clinically stable glaucoma patients.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015;56:4857–4864. DOI: