The authors thank Claudine Strack for expert technical assistance and Harald Neumann (Institute of Reconstructive Neurobiology, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany) for providing the murine embryonic stem cell–derived microglia cells.
Supported by German Research Foundation (DFG), Bonn, Germany, Grant KR 2863/7-1; Pro Retina Foundation, Bonn, Germany; University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, BONFOR and SciMed Programs; and the Dr. Eberhard and Hilde Rüdiger Foundation, Bonn, Germany (all to TUK).
Disclosure: L.K.M. Mohr, None; A.V. Hoffmann, None; C. Brandstetter, None; F.G. Holz, Acucela (F, C, R), Alcon (F, C, R), Allergan (F, C, R), Bayer (F, C, R), Carl Zeiss Meditec (F), Genentech (F, C, R), Heidelberg Engineering (F, C, R), Novartis (F, C, R), Optos (F), Roche (C, R); T.U. Krohne, Alcon (F), Novartis (F), Bayer (C, R), Heidelberg Engineering (C, R)