Given the clinical infeasibility of sampling tumors at various stages of development, statistical analysis of genomic data provides a practical means for inferring tumor evolution. Our study uses a novel modeling strategy, increasingly being used within the field of evolutionary biology, to interpret data generated by new high-resolution assays.
The population included in this study was representative of populations included in prior uveal melanoma series. In other words, our series included older white patients with similar rates of metastasis.
22 Thirty-eight of the 57 samples were discarded due to inability to estimate copy number profiles. The discarded samples were not significantly different from those samples that were analyzed in terms of their clinical features or patient characteristic, and therefore, the findings of this study are not likely to be biased for that reason (
Table 1).
Previous studies have demonstrated that 8q gains occur in approximately 60% of tumors, whereas our study identified these gains in 92%.
23,24 Several explanations exist for this observed difference. First, previously published data regarding 8q gains come from either FISH studies, which target a single region,
24 or karyotyping studies,
23 which rely on visual examination of bands. The resolution of such assays is at the level of the chromosome arm,
25 whereas the microarray techniques used in the present study provide significantly higher resolution. Second, our observation of 92% includes both partial and whole arm gains, as opposed to only whole arm gains reported in previous studies. Third, the small sample size of our series could contribute to the observed difference. Regardless of whether or not the present series is biased toward tumors with 8q gains, the resulting inferred evolutionary tree would not be altered, because it estimates relationships between tumors, independent of the number of samples in each clade.
This work identified three major clades: clade A, clade B, and clade C. The organization of tumors into clades by copy number profiles does not depend on the number of tumors within each group, only the copy number profile itself. Clade assignment, although associated with metastasis, was not a perfect predictor of this event. Clade A was composed of 29 tumors, 20 of which were metastatic (69.0%). Clade B had 16 tumors, two of which were metastatic (12.5%), and clade C had three tumors, one of which was metastatic (33.3%;
Table 3). The designation of metastatic status represents what has been clinically observed to date, leaving open the possibility for “nonmetastatic” tumors to metastasize with extended follow-up. The median follow-up duration was similar between clades (38.0, 61.0, and 53.0 months for clades A, B, and C, respectively). Shorter follow-up duration in clade A was due to metastatic death in 69.0% of cases. As 80% of mortality in uveal melanoma occurs within the first 5 years,
22 median follow-up of 61.0 and 53.0 months in clades B and C, respectively, is adequate for metastasis to manifest in the vast majority of cases.
The SNP microarray can only reveal information about what is assayed, and the test sample may not be representative of the entire tumor, due to heterogeneous cell populations.
26,27 Sampling may therefore explain why some tumor samples were metastatic within an otherwise nonmetastatic clade.
Even though these tumors were located in different regions within the uveal tract (choroid only versus ciliary body ± iris or choroid), there was only a borderline association between location and clade (P = 0.05).
Clade A was characterized by monosomy 3 and amplification on 8q, clade B by duplication of 6p and 8q, and clade C by deletion of 6q, among other copy number aberrations. Because copy number aberrations common to clades A and B include duplications on 8q, it is inferred that these tumors followed a similar initial process of tumorigenesis. Distinct patterns of additional copy number aberrations indicate that these clades have divergent progression. The profiles of clades A and B largely agree with previous genomic studies of uveal melanoma in associating chromosomal copy number aberrations with metastatic status, further supporting the validity of our clade identification.
Copy number aberrations on the
GNA11, and
SF3B1 genes were mostly copy neutral within clades, with no difference in copy number aberration between clades (
Table 5). These results can be explained by the fact that
BAP1, and
SF3B1 genes usually demonstrate point mutations in uveal melanoma.
4,5,7,30 These point mutations are not expected to be detected by our SNP microarray (Illumina Human660W-Quad v1.0 BeadChip) as the probes were not specifically designed to target these mutations. In contrast, segments containing the
BAP1 gene showed significant differences in copy number aberrations between clades, wherein all cases were aberrant in clade A and copy neutral in clades B and C, perhaps detecting loss of large segments of chromosome 3 rather than specific point mutations of the
BAP1 gene.
Previous studies have identified at least two subtypes of uveal melanoma (low and high metastatic risk). These can be differentiated by various techniques. For example, histopathology can separate low-grade spindle cell melanoma from more aggressive epithelioid tumors.
31 Risk stratification can also be accomplished through gene sequencing studies,
5 gene expression studies demonstrating correlation across histopathologic characteristics, and chromosomal aberrations identified by FISH and SNP.
32–34 A previous study that examined microsatellite array data suggested that monosomy 3 and loss of 6p defined two distinct pathways of uveal melanoma evolution, with 8q gain involved in both pathways.
35 The study used whole chromosome arm level data and ad hoc methods to ascertain the specific ordering of mutations, whereas our study took advantage of higher resolution microarray data and well-established evolutionary biology methodology. Our analysis more specifically identified the time course of important genomic events in uveal melanoma tumorigenesis. Additionally, the present study provides evidence for a newly described (third) potential evolutionary pathway represented by the minor clade of tumors (clade C: 3/49; 6.1%;
Fig. 3). The distinct patterns of copy number status, specifically deletions on chromosome 6q, and the different rate of metastasis, indicate that clade C may well represent a third subtype to add to the original two subtype model of uveal melanoma.
36 Minor subgroups of uveal melanoma are being identified in other series with extended follow-up. In many cases, these tumors manifest with late onset of metastasis.
The evolutionary framework used in this study can also be used to study copy number profiles of systemic metastases, which can then be traced back to the lineage of the primary tumor. Additionally, this framework allows for studying the evolutionary relationships of subpopulations of cells within the same tumor, which is widely recognized to be an important aspect of cancer evolution.
38 Finally, the relationship between the tumors and their cell lines can be clearly elucidated as there is general controversy about the validity of data derived from cell lines that are known to have highly aberrant gene expression and copy number profiles.
From the copy number profiles, genetic copy number aberration distances were calculated between tumors, and these distances were used to infer an evolutionary tree. A distance-based method has two strengths. First, distance-based methods are less computationally demanding and are therefore flexible enough to use the entire tumor genome instead of a smaller subset of copy number events. In this way, there is maximal leverage of the genome-wide information. Second, these methods are rapid to implement and therefore provide a user-friendly approach to the problem. However, distance-based approaches are limited in their ability to construct ancestral states, as the methods do not calculate the likelihood of possible ancestral states.
There were a few limitations to the study, which were consequences of using SNP microarrays. First, SNP microarray analyzes the abundance of specific genomic regions, and it is therefore unable to capture other types of genomic mutations, such as copy neutral inversions or point mutations. There is evidence that such mutations are likely involved in tumorigenesis.
5 Second, our analysis cannot identify possible epigenetic events that may also play a role in the progression of uveal melanoma.
The next step in our work will be to study additional samples using other platforms so that more robust copy number signatures for each major clade can be validated. This will also allow further characterization of potential minor clades. In the future, work focused on the identification of the genes residing within each clade needs to be performed.
Applying an evolutionary framework to the uveal melanoma genome reveals that there are distinct subtypes of uveal melanoma and that these subtypes resemble each other in their initial development, but that they diverge along their evolutionary course. Our data also suggest that there is little overlap in the subtypes of uveal melanoma after divergence (identified as clades A and B). These distinct subtypes are not likely to crossover or transform from one major clade to another major clade.