We recruited 21 patients with open angle glaucoma (48–83 years old; mean, 64.7 ± 7.5 years old), 21 control observers with a similar age range (49–74 years old; mean, 62.2 ± 7.3 years old), and 5 young control observers (21–25 years old). The study was performed following the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki. The inclusion criteria for all groups were: best corrected visual acuity of at least 0.2 logMAR units (approximately 20/30), spherical equivalent refractive error within −6 to +2 diopters (D), cylinder correction within 3 D, clear ocular media, and absence of known eye disease following a comprehensive eye examination (except for glaucoma in the patient group). The exclusion criteria for all groups were: ocular or systemic disease known to affect the visual field, such as diabetic retinopathy (except glaucoma in the patient group), history of intraocular surgery (except uncomplicated cataract surgery more than 1 year before enrollment or glaucoma surgery in the patient group), and use of medications known to affect vision. Additional exclusion criteria for control observers were a self-reported, first-degree relative with glaucoma and intraocular pressure > 21 mm Hg for two or more clinic visits. No exclusions were based on sex or race. The degree of glaucoma in each patient was based upon the results of static automated perimetry testing performed with the Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer II (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc., Dublin, CA, USA), using 24-2 SITA Standard algorithm. It was quantified as the total mean deviation of visual sensitivity in decibels and varied from normal to severe (1.24 to −22.21 dB; mean, −4.76 ± 5.8 dB). We did not measure sensitivity at the fovea and our most central stimulus was 3° away from fixation. In an initial recruitment of 11 glaucoma subjects, we selected a wide range of visual field defects spanning from normal to severe, and found significant differences in accuracy and reaction time between glaucoma subjects and age-similar controls. Based on this sample and power analysis (“sampsizepwr,” MATLAB; MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA), we estimated that we would need a sample of 32 subjects (16 control and 16 glaucoma) to reveal significant differences between glaucoma and age-similar controls (e.g., effect size for reduction in dark/light accuracy, 7.1 ± 5.96/10.69 ± 11.54%; power, 0.9; alpha, 0.05; sample size required, 31). To fulfill the requirements of the power analysis, we selected a sample of 42 subjects (21 age-similar controls and 21 glaucomatous patients).
Observers were asked to report as fast as possible the number of square targets embedded in a background of binary white noise consisting of equal numbers of dark and light elements. The number of targets could be one, two, or three, and were either all dark or all light. Stimuli were presented on a monitor screen and observers had to press a key to indicate the number of targets that they saw (
Fig. 1). Each time a key press was registered, an auditory tone signaled the progression onto the next trial. Therefore, the duration of each screen was determined by the observer's reaction time. Stimuli were presented using MATLAB and Psych-toolbox
31 on a gamma calibrated monitor (Mitsubishi DP2070SB or Display ++ LCD). The monitor covered 23.0° × 30.3° of visual angle at a distance of 1 m and each stimulus target was 1.0° × 1.0° in size. The mean luminance of the monitor was kept constant at 50 candelas per square meter. Each observer was tested monocularly after being properly refracted. Experiments were conducted in a dark room. Before the testing started, observers were visually adapted to a gray screen for 15 seconds.
A total of 600 to 800 reaction times was collected for each observer in an hour-long session. Observers were given a series of 100 trials at a time followed by a short break. Reaction time histograms (bin size 0.2 s) were averaged and fitted using an exponential-Gaussian function.
32 This function assumes that reaction times result from taking the sum of independent Gaussian and exponential random variables, implying that the probability distribution characterizing reaction times is the convolution of an exponential (exp) and a Gaussian (
ϕ) function given by the following equation:
The parameters of the equation are the mean (μ) and standard deviation (σ) of the Gaussian function and the mean of the exponential function (τ).