Eight treated PAC/PACG eyes, three posttrabeculectomy and five with a laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI), were included in this study. There were no significant differences in age, sex, PVA, BVAR, SE, IOP, ACD, LT, LV (in light and dark), IA change, PD change, IA loss per mm PD increase, or CCD change between treated and untreated PAC/PACG eyes (
P = 0.585, 1.000, 0.567, 0.256, 0.587, 0.463, 0.432, 0.517, 0.139, 0.325, 0.893, 0.315, 0.560, and 0.442, respectively). Treated eyes had longer AL, larger AOD500 in light, larger TISA500, ARA750, ACV, and smaller IC in light and dark (
P = 0.030, 0.026, 0.007, 0.001, 0.048, 0.003, 0.012, 0.001, 0.042, and 0.001, respectively), compared to untreated ones (
Table 7).