The study included 2068 individuals with a mean age of 63.0 ± 9.0 years (range, 50–91 years) and a mean refractive error of −0.02 ± 1.68 D (range, −12.50 to +7.00 D;
Table 1). Mean axial length was 23.2 ± 1.00 mm, mean width of parapapillary gamma zone was 0.11 ± 0.31 mm, mean macular Bruch's membrane length was 3.74 ± 0.37 mm, and mean disc center–fovea distance was 4.74 ± 0.34 mm. Mean disc radius was 0.90 ± 0.09 mm, with macular Bruch's membrane length plus parapapillary gamma zone width plus disc radius adding up to disc center–fovea distance.
The participants (n = 2068 or 59.6%) compared with the nonparticipants (n = 1400) were significantly younger (63.0 ± 9.0 vs. 67.0 ± 10.4 years; P < 0.001) and had a significantly shorter axial length (23.2 ± 1.0 vs. 23.4 ± 1.4 mm; P < 0.001). Both groups did not differ significantly in sex (P = 0.43).
In univariate analysis, a larger width of the gamma zone was associated with older age (
P < 0.001), male sex (
P = 0.001), longer axial length (
P < 0.001), longer horizontal and vertical disc diameter (
P < 0.001), more marked disc rotation around the vertical axis (
P < 0.001), higher vertical-to-horizontal disc diameter ratio (
P < 0.001), longer disc–fovea distance (
P < 0.001), higher degree of fundus tessellation (
P < 0.001), and thinner subfoveal choroidal thickness (
Table 2).
In the multivariate analysis, we first dropped from the list of independent parameters the parameters of age (
P = 0.62) and sex (
P = 0.46) due to lack of significance and the parameter of vertical disc diameter due to a high variance inflation factor of 15.2, and we eventually dropped the parameter of vertical-to-horizontal disc diameter ratio due to a lack of significance (
P = 0.85). In the final model, larger width of the parapapillary gamma zone was associated (regression coefficient
r, 0.50) with more marked vertical optic disc rotation (
P < 0.001), more marked horizontal optic disc rotation (
P = 0.02), longer axial length (
P = 0.010), longer horizontal optic disc diameter (
P = 0.02), longer disc–fovea distance (
P < 0.001), higher degree of fundus tessellation (
P = 0.03), and thinner subfoveal choroidal thickness (
P < 0.001;
Table 3). If glaucoma was added to the model, it was not significantly associated with gamma zone width (
P = 0.51).
If instead of the width of the parapapillary gamma zone, the area of the gamma zone was taken, a larger gamma zone area was associated (regression coefficient r, 0.47) with more marked vertical optic disc rotation (P < 0.001; β, 0.12; B, 0.03; 95% CI, 0.02, 0.04), longer horizontal optic disc diameter (P < 0.001; β, 0.07; B, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.21, 0.73), longer disc–fovea distance (P < 0.001; β, 0.24; B, 0.38; 95% CI, 0.30, 0.47), higher degree of fundus tessellation (P < 0.001; β, 0.18; B, 0.08; 95% CI, 0.06, 0.11), and thinner subfoveal choroidal thickness (P < 0.001; β, −0.13; B, −0.001; 95% CI, −0.001, 0.000), whereas the association with a more marked horizontal optic disc rotation (P = 0.055; β, 0.04; B, 0.01; 95% CI, 0.00, 0.02) and longer axial length (P = 0.058; β, 0.05; B, 0.03; 95% CI, −0.001, 0.06) were no longer statistically significant.
Measurements of gamma zone obtained from OCT images were available for 217 eyes. Gamma zone width measured by OCT was significantly smaller than gamma zone width as measured on the fundus photographs (0.09 ± 0.27 vs. 0.11 ± 0.31 mm; P < 0.001). The difference between both parameters could be explained by the measurements on the fundus photographs including the gamma zone and (to a relatively small amount of 0.02 mm) the width of the beta zone. If measurements of the gamma zone obtained from OCT images instead of measurements obtained from the optic disc photographs were used for the statistical analysis, similar results were obtained. Longer length of the gamma zone was significantly associated with more marked rotation of the optic disc around the vertical axis (P < 0.001; β, 0.16; B, 10.4; 95% CI, 3.6, 17.2), longer axial length (P < 0.001; β, 0.30; B, 44.1; 95% CI, 20.7, 67.6), and longer disc–fovea distance (P < 0.001; β, 0.36; B, 170; 95% CI, 95, 247). If glaucoma was added to the model, it was not significantly associated with gamma zone width (P = 0.80).