All sections were viewed under an upright Axioplan-2 fluorescence microscope and ×200 magnification photomicrograph images captured with Axiovision software (both Carl Zeiss Ltd., Hertfordshire, UK). Survival of RGCs was analyzed as previously described.
55 Briefly, RGCs were identified and counted in a standard 250-μm linear strip of the ganglion cell layer (GCL) in radial sections on either side of the ON head (four radial sections/retina,
n = 5 eyes/treatment group), using the RGC phenotypic antibody marker Brn3a,
56 and results were expressed as the mean number of RGCs per 250-μm GCL. Survival analysis of RGCs in the initial in vivo studies used βIII-tubulin as the RGC phenotypic marker (
Supplementary Table S1), which was superseded with the more specific Brn3a for the studies reported here. Estimation of RGC numbers using Brn3a immunostained retinal sections detects quantitatively similar RGC loss compared with Brn3a-stained retinal whole-mounts or FluoroGold (FG) back-labeled retinal whole-mounts, while avoiding the additional surgery required for FG studies. Retinal analysis is therefore simplified compared with whole-mount preparations and enables both RGC survival and axon regeneration analyses from the same animals, thereby reducing animal usage and associated costs.
56 Quantification of axon regeneration in longitudinal ON sections was undertaken using a method described previously.
24 Briefly, composite images were constructed from individual ×200 magnification ON sections in Photoshop CS3 (Adobe Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA, USA). The ONC site was identified by laminin
+ staining and the number of GAP43
+ regenerating axons extending 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1200 μm from the center of the ONC site counted (three sections/ON,
n = 5 eyes/group). We used GAP43 to label regenerating axons because this is the gold standard method of quantifying RGC axon regeneration in the distal segment of the rat ON.
57 In addition, a recent study from our laboratory reported that the number of GAP43
+ regenerating axons in the distal ON segment correlated with the number of axons detected by the anterograde tracer Rhodamine B.
23 The cross-sectional width of the ON was measured at the point at which axon counts were taken, and used to calculate the number of axons/mm ON width. This value was used to derive
Σad, the total number of axons extending distance
d in an ON with radius
r using the following formula: