We used a modified technique of immunofluorescence and imaging to show, for the first time, the entire mouse corneal nerve architecture including the nerve terminals, subbasal nerve bundles, and stromal nerve trunks.
We found that in very young mice (1–3 weeks after birth), the cornea present a dense network of stromal nerves but that the epithelial nerve fibers that budded from the network are short, thin, and extend without a given direction. Previous work using C57/B6 mice of 10 days and 4 weeks had shown a similar pattern in the central cornea.
15 Those nerve fibers gradually grow with the maturity of the mice, and a well-defined whorl-like structure appears at 4 weeks. From 4 to 6 weeks, the subbasal nerve bundles become longer and denser. The cornea size increases with aging. As we measured in this study, the radius increases approximately 2.6 times from newborn mice (average: 0.58 mm) to adult mice (average: 1.5 mm). Therefore, it is possible that a correlation exists between the length of the subbasal nerve bundles and the changes in corneal size as associated with the age of the mouse. At 8 weeks, the corneal nerves reach maturity with stromal nerves originating from four major trunks and fewer stromal nerves in the central cornea. The mechanism of stromal nerve regression when the mouse reaches maturity is unknown. One possibility is that there is a decreased release of growth factors from stromal keratocytes. Early studies suggested there is cross-talk between the nerves and corneal resident cells.
29,30 During postnatal eye development, corneal epithelial and stromal cells secrete growth factors—such as nerve growth factor,
6,31,32 ciliary neurotrophic factor,
33 glial cell line–derived neurotrophic factor,
34,35 vascular endothelial growth factor,
36 and pigment epithelium derived factor
37—that may influence nerve fiber extension and survival. Very young mouse corneas have a high density of keratocytes that decrease by age 12 days and change from active to quiescent keratocytes in normal adult corneas.
38 This low metabolism may be unable to produce enough growth factors to support the survival of the dense stromal nerves in the central cornea observed at a young age.
The mouse is considered to be an adult at 8 weeks
39; however, in our experiments no noticeable changes in the nerve architecture were found up to 24 weeks. These results are in agreement with a recent study using “in vivo” confocal microscopy reporting that mouse subbasal nerve density is constant from age 8 to 52 weeks.
33 We found that corneal innervation in adult mice share many common features with humans.
25 The epithelial nerve bundles derived from the peripheral stromal branches ran centripetally and converged to form the whorl-like structure or vortex at the central cornea. The density of stromal nerves are lower in the center than in the periphery, while the density of epithelial nerves including the subbasal nerves and free endings are significantly higher in the center than in the periphery. We also observed that there is no difference between male and female mice. However, there are some features in mouse corneal innervation that we have not found in humans. In human corneas, although the patterns and locations of the vortex differ among the samples, every cornea analyzed has only one vortex; in mice, we found that 18% of the corneas have more than one whorl-like structure per cornea. Early studies have postulated that the combined effect of the electric and magnetic fields on centripetally migrating epithelial cells lead to a clockwise converged pattern, and it is likely that similar effects are exerted on corneal subbasal nerves.
14,40 However, this theory cannot explain the phenomenon of counterclockwise pattern and the finding that some corneas show two vortexes running in opposing directions. Hence, a more reasonable explanation is needed.
Another difference found was that mature mice corneas have higher epithelial nerve density than humans. Compared with human corneas aged 40 to 57 years,
25 there was a 28.2% ± 2.54% nerve density in the mouse central area versus an 18.8% ± 2.1% in humans, and an 18.1% ± 3.2% vs. 11.1% ± 2.3% in the peripheral area. Coincidently, the number of terminals/mm
2 of corneal epithelia was also greater in mice (center, 3972 ± 284; periphery, 1976 ± 487) than in humans (center, 525 ± 72; periphery, 230 ± 46). Although the reasons for this difference are unknown, we agree with Yu and Rosenblatt
20 that a higher density of epithelial innervation may be needed by either anatomic or functional requirements specific to the mouse.
Sensory nerves originating from the TG innervate ocular tissues, including the cornea and iris,
41–43 and loss of corneal sensory innervation can result in morphologic and metabolic epithelial disturbance. The expression of the sensory neuropeptides CGRP and SP in the corneas has been studied previously by both histochemical and immunofluorescence methods in a wide range of animal species,
43–49 but their distribution in the entire tissue and their relative content in mouse corneas was not investigated. In the current study, we used double-labeling immunofluorescence to study the relative contents of these neuropeptides. Our results showed that the corneas contain a large number of CGRP- and SP-positive nerve fibers. These two main sensory neuropeptides have been shown to induce epithelial cell proliferation, migration, and adhesion, facilitating corneal wound healing.
50–52 They are involved in the regulation of tear production and mucus secretion from goblet cells
53 and participate in the irritative and allergic response of the ocular surface.
Comparison of the proportions of CGRP- with SP-positive fibers shows that the content of CGRP is higher than that of SP in both epithelial and stromal innervation. This result is in agreement with our previous findings in the rabbit model in which the proportion of CGRP is significantly higher than that of SP-positive fibers in the corneal and iris innervations.
8,28 An early study in the canine model has reported that both CGRP- and SP-positive nerve fibers take up 99% of the total corneal innervation.
49 This result is much higher than those we have found in the rabbit and mouse corneas. The discrepancies may be due to the difference between the animal species, rather than the techniques of assessment used in the studies.
The sensory nerves, which innervate the cornea and iris, mainly originate from the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve, with a very small amount deriving from the superior cervical ganglion and ciliary ganglion.
55–57 In a recent study, we have reported that in the rabbit TG, the number of CGRP-positive neurons significantly outnumber SP-positive neurons, which are also labeled with CGRP.
28 Similar results were found in the mouse TG. Our results are also in agreement with earlier studies in the rat and guinea pig,
58,59 suggesting that those species share a similar expression pattern of sensory neuropeptides in the TG.
In summary, using a modified technique of immunofluorescence and imaging, we provided a complete map of the entire nerve architecture and the total sensory neuropeptide distribution of the mouse cornea. The finding that the mouse corneal innervation has many similarities to human cornea makes the mouse an appropriate model to study pathologies in which corneal nerves are involved.