Understanding the physical mechanisms concerning the stability of the natural tear film on our eyes is a challenging problem from an academic, clinical, and industrial perspective.
1–5 Tear film instability can be particularly acute in the presence of a contact lens and results in contact lens–induced dry eyes, a growing epidemic affecting millions of wearers both in the U.S. and worldwide.
6–8 An important component of the tear film is the thin, oily meibomian lipid layer or meibum, secreted by glands located on the upper and lower eyelids.
9 The function of meibum, specifically its role as an evaporation barrier, remains a topic of active debate due to discrepancies between in vivo and in vitro experiments. Animal and human experiments indicate that the presence of meibomian lipids strongly reduces evaporative losses.
10,11 However, in vitro experiments using meibum layers spread on aqueous surfaces have not convincingly reproduced the in vivo results.
12–15 Recent findings have demonstrated that meibomian lipids possess remarkable interfacial viscoelastic properties,
16,17 suggesting an additional role of the meibum layer as a stabilizing agent against tear-film breakup.
18 The linkages of this lipid layer to tear film stability have been recognized through in vivo clinical observations of tear breakup time (TBUT) of healthy and diseased patients,
19–23 as well as through in vitro rheologic measurements on a Langmuir trough.
24 However, experiments that connect these basic structural and rheologic findings to tear film stability are still needed. Previous work has described the ability of meibum layers to form stabilizing films on flat silicon wafer substrates.
25 However, these experiments need to be treated with caution as they are conducted at room temperature, which is below the melting transition of meibum and involved water as the subphase. Consequently, these results did not accurately mimic the conditions of the eye. Thus, the design of an in vitro platform that replicates the human tear film remains an unmet, yet important challenge.