Sensory imbalances in humans with amblyopia have been well documented using luminance-modulated (first-order) stimuli. However, little is known regarding whether there is a deficient binocular combination in amblyopes for stimuli defined by modulations in contrast (second-order stimuli). To address this, we asked two questions: Does a sensory imbalance also exist in the binocular combination of second-order stimuli, and if so, is it more severe than that expected on the basis of the imbalance for first-order stimuli?
The sensory imbalances of 14 adult amblyopes (mean age: 30.5 ± 11.5 years; 5 with strabismus and 9 without) were measured using a dichoptic phase combination task. Three types of second-order dichoptic stimulus pairs were used in the study, where the carriers in the two eyes were either correlated, anticorrelated, or uncorrelated. Results were compared with those obtained using first-order stimuli in all observers.
We found that second-order binocular combination in amblyopes was not affected by the interocular carrier correlations. The amblyopic eye's contribution to the binocularly fused percept was much less than that of the nonamblyopic eye. The resulting sensory imbalance in binocular combination for second-order images was comparable to that for first-order images in 8 of the observers but was more severe in the other 6 amblyopes.
These results indicate that amblyopia does not disrupt the normal architecture of binocular combination for second-order signals; however, there is an additional deficit in binocular combination of second-order image in some amblyopes that cannot be fully accounted for by the known first-order sensory imbalance.
Amblyopia is a common disorder caused by abnormal visual development during childhood.
1–3 This makes amblyopia a unique model for investigating what factors are critical in early development. Normally, people with amblyopia have reduced visual function when viewing stimuli with their amblyopic eye, even when the appropriate optical correction is used. These deficits can include reduced visual acuity, reduced contrast sensitivity function, and spatiotemporal distortions.
3–8 Recently, imbalances in binocular function have been put forward as a possible primary factor in the disorder.
9–11 This has led to new binocular training therapies.
12–16 Such a sensory imbalance has been demonstrated in several paradigms, for example, local phase combination,
9,17 global motion coherence,
18 and global orientation coherence.
19 Even at low spatial frequencies where the two eyes have equivalent monocular visual thresholds, the amblyopic eye still makes less of a contribution to the binocularly fused percept than the nonamblyopic eye.
9,11,17–19 Moreover, the sensory imbalance tends to be more severe for tasks involving extrastriate pathways.
19 The magnitude of the imbalance in the three paradigms mentioned above is greater for the global motion coherence task than for the global orientation coherence task, and both of these have greater effects than seen in the local phase combination task.
Most of the studies mentioned above were conducted with luminance-modulated (first-order) visual stimuli, as opposed to second-order stimuli, which are defined by modulations in contrast,
20,21 texture,
22–26 or orientation.
27 First-order stimuli are thought to be processed directly via linear spatiotemporal filters, while the filter-rectify-filter model for the processing of second-order stimuli has three stages: linear filtering to extract the first-order response, followed by nonlinear rectification, and a second stage of linear filtering.
23,28 Previous evidence shows that first-order information is processed by the neurons in striate cortex,
29 while the extrastriate cortex is involved in the processing of second-order information.
30 Although the amblyopic deficit was once thought to be limited to the striate cortex,
31 there is now growing evidence that the amblyopic deficit may also involve the extrastriate cortex, as there are deficits for detecting second-order stimuli that cannot be fully accounted for by the known first-order deficit.
Here we address two questions: Does a sensory imbalance also exist in the binocular combination of second-order stimuli, and if so, is it more severe than that expected on the basis of the imbalance for first order? We do this using a binocular phase combination paradigm
35 that we recently modified to investigate the pattern of binocular combination of second-order phase (contrast-modulated) in normal adults.
36 There we showed that the binocular combination of second-order stimuli was the same whether the carriers in the two eyes were correlated, anticorrelated, or uncorrelated; that the tuning function of the binocularly perceived phase versus interocular modulation ratio was quite linear compared with that of the first-order condition; and that the two eyes contributed equally to binocular combination in normal adults. We showed that second-order modulation and phase combination are also contrast-gain controlled, in that the signals from the two eyes are weighted by the carriers' contrast and linear summed thereafter.
37 In the current study we use the same design that we used on those normal adults
36 to assess the extent of any abnormality in binocular combination for second-order stimuli in amblyopes. An illustration of the visual stimuli we used for the test is provided in
Figure 1, and the details of stimuli and the curve fits are provided in the Appendix.
A binocular phase combination paradigm
35 was used to assess each eye's contribution to the binocularly fused percept. Each trial contained two tasks. Firstly, a task was performed to confirm the alignment of the images presented to the two eyes. A display was presented that consisted of binocular fixation crosses (3.78 × 3.78 degree
2) and four monocular dots (0.378° diameter); two of these were in the first and third quadrants in the left eye, and the other two were in the second and fourth quadrants in the right eye. This was presented in the center of the larger high-contrast frame together with four white diagonal lines. Observers were instructed to move the image in their amblyopic eye using the arrow keys to horizontally and vertically align the images from two eyes. After achieving stable fusional alignment, observers were asked to press the space key. The corresponding coordinate between two eyes was then used in the second task.
Next, observers were asked to adjust the position of a 1-pixel black horizontal reference line to indicate the perceived phase of the cyclopean sine-wave grating. This was defined as the location of the center of the lower contrast stripe of the second-order grating or the dark stripe of the first-order grating. Horizontal sine-wave gratings (modulating either the luminance for first-order stimuli or the carrier contrast for second order) with equal and opposite phase shifts of 22.5° (relative to the center of the screen) were dichoptically presented to the two eyes. The signal strength (i.e., the modulation depth of second-order gratings or the contrast of first-order gratings) was fixed as 100% in the amblyopic eye and varied with a ratio δ (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 or 1) in the fellow eye. For each ratio, the phase of the binocular cyclopean image was measured with the adjustment method. Two configurations were used in measuring the perceived phase of the binocular cyclopean image to cancel any positional bias: (1) The phase shift was +22.5° in the amblyopic eye and −22.5° in the fellow eye; (2) the phase shift was −22.5° in the amblyopic eye and +22.5° in the fellow eye. The perceived phase at each interocular signal ratio (δ) was quantified by half the difference between the measured perceived phases in these two configurations. In the measurement, the two configurations at the six interocular signal strength ratios were repeated at least four times for each observer. The function of perceived phase versus interocular signal ratios (PvR function) was then derived for each stimulus type.
The reference line was presented with an initial position randomly (−9 to 10 pixels) assigned relative to the center of the frame in each trial. It was adjusted by the observers with a fixed step size of 1 pixel, corresponding to 4° phase angle of the grating. The gratings, frames, and reference lines were presented continually in the two eyes during the phase adjustment. After completing the task, observers were asked to press the space key to confirm the location. The next trial started 1 second later. A typical trial lasted approximately 10 seconds. Voluntary breaks were allowed during the test. Practice trials were provided prior to data collection.
Figure 2 shows the binocularly perceived phase versus interocular modulation depth ratio functions (PvR functions) for 14 amblyopes and their average (in different parts of figure) for the three second-order dichoptic carrier types (i.e., correlated, anticorrelated, and uncorrelated carriers in the two eyes). The patterns of the functions are essentially the same in the three second-order dichoptic pairs. A repeated-measures within-subject analysis of variance (ANOVA) also showed that the binocularly perceived phase of the cyclopean image depended significantly on the modulation ratio (
F(5,65) = 268.95,
P < 0.001), and that this effect did not differ for the three dichoptic carrier types (no significant interaction:
F(10,130) = 1.58,
P = 0.12).
The zero-crossing points of the PvR functions (i.e., the balance point, the interocular modulation ratio that results in the two eyes contributing equally to the cyclopean percept) of all the observers occurred at ratios much lower than 1. Compared with the previous report with the same paradigm on normal adults
36 (which showed that the zero-crossing points of the functions were not significantly different from 1), our findings in this study indicate that the two eyes in amblyopes are quite imbalanced. Their nonamblyopic eye needs less modulation depth to balance the amblyopic eye's contribution to the binocular combination of these second-order stimuli.
This imbalance in the binocular combination of second-order stimuli in amblyopia leads to our second question: Is this imbalance more severe than expected on the basis of the imbalance for first-order stimuli? To answer this, we conducted a first-order PvR function measurement on each subject (
Fig. 1D) to compare the balance points between first- and second-order combinations. Given the finding that the second-order binocular combination was quite similar regardless of whether the carriers in the two eyes were correlated or uncorrelated, we averaged results for the three carrier types to simplify further analysis. The averaged second-order PvR of each subject is presented in
Figure 3 as filled circles, while the corresponding first-order PvR is shown as unfilled circles. According to
Equation 5 in the Appendix, the balance point (
bp) and the nonlinearity (
γ) jointly define the shape of the PvR, we thus quantitatively assessed any difference in the PvR for different stimuli by calculating these two critical parameters based on the contrast-gain control model
17,37; we also conducted an
F-test for nested models to statistically compare the difference in balance point (
bp) in the different PvRs (see Curve Fits in Appendix). These fits are drawn in
Figure 3.
According to the F-test for nested models, the full model (with different balance points in first- and second-order binocular combinations) failed to generate better fits (P > 0.05) than the reduced model (with the same balance points in first- and second-order binocular combinations), and the latter successfully accounted for 92.5% to 99.3% of the variance for observers A4, A8, A9, S10 through S14, and the average observer. These results indicate that the balance points in first- and second-order binocular combination were not significantly different in these observers. For the other six observers (A1–A3 and A5–A7), the balance point of the second-order PvR was less than that of the first-order PvR. The F-test for nested models also showed that the full model generated better fitting (P < 0.05) than the reduced model and the former successfully accounted for 95.9% to 99.0% of the variance for these six observers.
Finally, we assessed whether this dichotomy in response can be attributed to either the present clinical characteristics of the patients or their past clinical history.
Figure 4 plots the two categories of response (i.e., second- to first-order balance point ratio = 1 or < 1) across the relevant clinical dimensions of strabismus, acuity deficit, stereopsis, and treatment histories. The patients with additional second-order deficits tended to have less severe acuity loss and better stereopsis and not to have strabismus.
The authors thank Alex Baldwin for his very kind help in correcting our English.
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant NSFC 81500754 (JZ), Canadian Institutes of Health Research Grants MOP-53346, CCI-125686, and MT-10818 (RFH), and National Natural Science Foundation of China Grants NSFC 81261120562 (YZ) and NSFC 81300796 (LF). The funding organizations had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Disclosure: J. Zhou, None; R. Liu, None; L. Feng, None; Y. Zhou, None; R.F. Hess, None