Inasmuch as the limbal niche is easy to access and plays an important role, the progress in understanding how it regulates limbal SCs considerably lags behind other SC model systems. We have embarked on this challenge by discovering a new method of isolating entire limbal epithelial SCs together with their niche cells (NCs) from the human limbus based on digestion with collagenase.
102 The isolated niche cells (LNCs) are closely associated with limbal basal epithelial progenitor cells (LEPCs), pancytokeratin (PCK) negative but vimentin positive, as small as 5 μm in diameter, and heterogeneously express SC markers such as Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, Rex1, Nestin, N-cadherin, SSEA4, and CD34.
102,103 Isolated niche cells can then be effectively expanded on coated Matrigel in modified embryonic stem cell medium (MESCM) up to 12 passages with angiogenesis
104 and mesenchymal stem cells
105 potentials. Upon being reseeded in three-dimensional (3D) Matrigel, expanded LNCs revert back their phenotype with overexpression of the aforementioned embryonic SC (ESC) markers. Taking advantage of this advance, we have established an in vitro model system in 3D Matrigel, in which reunion between a single LEPC and a single LNC leads to sphere formation through the SDF-1/CXCR4 chemokine axis.
106 A close contact with LNCs endows LEPCs with better clonal growth on 3T3 fibroblast feeder layers.
102 and prevents LEPCs from adopting the corneal fate decision.
103,105 Both bone morphogenic protein (BMP) and Wnt signaling control stem cells in bulge/dermal papilla, intestinal crypt, and bone marrow. Our study showed that balancing acts between Wnt signaling and BMP signaling exist not only within LEPCs but also between LEPCs and LNCs to regulate clonal growth of LEPCs. In 3D Matrigel, the resultant sphere exhibits inhibition of corneal fate decision and marked clonal growth of LEPCs, of which the latter is correlated with activation of canonical Wnt signaling.
107 Using immobilized HC-HA/PTX3, we noted that the resultant spheres exhibited similar suppression of the corneal fate decision but upregulation of quiescence markers including nuclear translocation of phosphorylated Bmi-1, and negligible clonal growth of LEPCs.
108 This outcome was correlated with the suppression of canonical Wnt but activation of noncanonical (PCP) Wnt signaling as well as BMP signaling in both LEPCs and LNCs. The activation of BMP signaling in LNCs was pivotal because nuclear translocation of pSmad1/5/8 was prohibited in hLEPCs when reunioned with mLNCs of conditionally deleted
Bmpr1a;Acvr1 DCKO mice. Furthermore, ablation of BMP signaling in LEPCs led to upregulation of cell cycle genes, downregulation of Bmi-1, nuclear exclusion of phosphorylated Bmi-1, and marked promotion of the clonal growth of LEPCs. Hence, HC-HA/PTX3 uniquely upregulates BMP signaling in LNCs, which leads to BMP signaling in LEPCs to achieve quiescence, helping explain how AMT is clinically useful as a matrix for both in vivo
26,27 and ex vivo
109 expansion of limbal epithelial stem cells and to treat corneal blindness caused by LSCD.