The Animal Care Committee of Asahikawa Medical University approved the protocols involving the use of cats, and the study adhered to the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research. Five adult cats (Shiraishi Animal Laboratory Co., Ltd., Saitama, Japan) of either sex were used (weight, 2.8–3.8 kg) in the in vivo study. As described previously,
11 anesthesia was induced with sevoflurane, oxygen, and nitrous oxide with the animals in a closed box followed by an intraperitoneal injection of atropine (0.04 mg/kg). The animals then were tracheostomized and ventilated mechanically with 1.5% to 2.0% sevoflurane and room air during the experiment. Catheters were placed in the femoral arteries and the left femoral vein. Pancuronium bromide (0.1 mg/kg/h; Daiichi Sankyo Co., Tokyo, Japan) was infused continuously. A blood gas analyzer (Model ABL5; Radiometer, Copenhagen, Denmark) intermittently measured the arterial pH, arterial partial carbon dioxide tension, and arterial partial oxygen tension. The mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) and heart rate were monitored continuously. A heated blanket was used to maintain each cat's rectal temperature between 37°C and 38°C. The pupils were dilated with 0.5% tropicamide (Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Osaka, Japan); a 0-diopter contact lens was placed on the cornea, and a drop of sodium hyaluronate (Healon; Abbott Medical Optics, Inc., Santa Ana, CA, USA) was instilled. A 26-gauge butterfly needle connected to a bottle of balanced saline solution (BSS Plus; Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, TX, USA) was inserted into the anterior chamber and connected to a pressure transducer. The IOP was monitored continuously.