In a study published in this issue of
Santos-Ferreria and colleagues3 report subretinal transplantation of embryonic stem cell–derived photoreceptor precursor cells that were generated using a novel three-dimensional retinal differentiation protocol, purified via anti-CD73–based magnetic bead immunopanning, and identified post transplant via expression of a rhodopsin–green fluorescent protein reporter.
3 Unlike previous transplant studies using models of rod-selective disease, in this study two different models of cone–rod dystrophy were used: a prominin1-deficient mouse (Prom1
−/−) with mild, slowly progressive disease, and a novel rhodopsin-deficient congenic mouse (Cpfl1/Rho
−/−, developed for this study) exhibiting a severe phenotype that includes cone loss.
3 Following transplantation in the Prom1
−/− model the authors convincingly demonstrate migration of donor cells into the host outer nuclear layer, morphologic photoreceptor cell maturation, and synaptic integration.
3 In contrast, when transplantation experiments were performed in the Cpfl1/Rho
−/− model of end-stage disease, in which the structural support provided by the host outer nuclear layer was no longer present, donor cells that expressed mature rod-specific markers were identified as a disorganized mass within the subretinal space.
3 Likewise, examples of synaptic connectivity between the remaining host retina and donor cells were rare in this model.
3 Although the Prom1
−/− data presented were encouraging, it is highly unlikely that patients with a near-full-thickness photoreceptor cell layer would ever be treated using a stem cell–based photoreceptor cell replacement approach. For patients like this, therapeutic approaches designed to slow or prevent extant photoreceptor cells from dying would be more appropriate. Rather, it is more likely that patients with late-stage disease, such as that seen in the Cpfl1/Rho
−/− mouse model, would be seeking stem cell–based treatments. Models like this will be very useful to scientists seeking to develop effective stem cell–based photoreceptor replacement therapies.