Erratum in: “Nondamaging Retinal Laser Therapy: Rationale and Applications to the Macula” by Daniel Lavinsky, Jenny Wang, Philip Huie, Roopa Dalal, Seung Jun Lee, Dae Yeong Lee, and Daniel Palanker (
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016;57:2488–2500) doi:
Reference 39 was incorrect. Reference 39 should be Wood EH, Leng T, Schachar IH, Karth PA. Multi-modal longitudinal evaluation of subthreshold laser lesions in human retina, including scanning laser ophthalmoscope-adaptive optics imaging. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina. 2016;47(3):268–275. The article has been corrected online.
Citation: Lavinsky D, Wang J, Huie P, Dalal R, Lee SJ, Lee DY, Palanker D. Erratum in: Nondamaging retinal laser therapy: rationale and applications to the macula.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016;57:3817. DOI: