“Palate Lung Nasal Clone (PLUNC), a Novel Protein of the Tear Film: Three-Dimensional Structure, Immune Activation, and Involvement in Dry Eye Disease (DED)” by Martin Schicht, Felix Rausch, Martin Beron, Christina Jacobi, Fabian Garreis, Nadine Hartjen, Stephanie Beileke, Friedrich Kruse, Lars Bräuer, and Friedrich Paulsen (
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015;56:7312–7323) doi:
The protein structure of latherin (Protein Data Bank code “3ZPM”) used as template for homology modeling was not determined by x-ray crystallography as stated on pages 7315, 7316, and 7320, but by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy experiments in solution.
Citation: Schicht M, Rausch F, Beron M, Jacobi C, Garreis F, Hartjen N, Beileke S, Kruse F, Bräuer L, Paulsen F. Erratum in: Palate lung nasal clone (PLUNC), a novel protein of the tear film: three-dimensional structure, immune activation and involvement in dry eye disease (DED).
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016;57:3819. DOI: