Examinations were performed sequentially as follows: (1) tear interference and noninvasive BUT (NIBUT) were determined by tear interferometry (DR-1α; Kowa, Nagoya, Japan).
11,15 The subject was asked to blink naturally twice and then to keep both eyes open as long as possible. Examination of the second eye was performed at least 1 minute after that of the first. (2) Lipid layer thickness (LLT) of the tear film was also measured by tear interferometry (LipiView; TearScience, Morrisville, NC, USA).
28 The subject was asked to blink naturally during the examination. (3) Abnormalities of the upper and lower lid margins were evaluated by slitlamp microscopy and scored from 0 to 4 according to the number present.
29 (4) Fluorescein staining of the ocular surface was divided into three zones (nasal conjunctival, corneal, and temporal conjunctival areas) for determination of the superficial punctate keratopathy (SPK) score. The staining score ranged from 0 to 3 for each zone, yielding a total score of 0 to 9 for the ocular surface.
26 (5) Tear film BUT was measured after instillation of 1 μL of a preservative-free solution of 1% fluorescein into the conjunctival sac with the use of a micropipette. The subjects were asked to blink several times, and BUT was determined three times with a stopwatch. The mean of the three values was calculated. (6) The upper and lower eyelids were evaluated with the use of a noninvasive meibography system (SL-D701 DC-4 BG-5; Topcon, Tokyo, Japan).
30 Partial or complete loss of meibomian glands was scored as the meiboscore for each eyelid as previously described.
30 The meiboscores for the upper and lower eyelids of each eye were summed to obtain an overall score of 0–6. (7) A Schirmer strip (Whatman no. 41; Showa, Tokyo, Japan) was inserted over the lower lid margin (midway between the middle and outer thirds) for 5 minutes without topical anesthesia. Subjects were asked to close their eyes during the measurement. (8) Digital pressure was applied to the upper tarsus, and the degree of ease with which meibomian secretion (meibum) was induced was evaluated semiquantitatively.
19 All examinations were completed on the same day in the morning, usually within a total time of 15 minutes. Both room temperature (24.5 ± 3.7°C) and humidity (40.5 ± 8.5%) were relatively constant.