To better visualize individual fiber cell morphologies and F-actin organization at different stages of maturation located at different depths in the lens, we developed a novel method to immunostain single lens fiber cells. Mouse lenses were microdissected, decapsulated, and fixed overnight at 4°C; and after fixation, lenses were cut into quarters and postfixed before immunostaining. Single fiber cells as well as fiber cell bundles spontaneously detached from the bulk lens quarters during the immunostaining process, and segments up to 200 μm long could be imaged by confocal microscopy. From our preparation, we observed three types of fiber cells: tightly apposed fiber cell bundles (
Fig. 1), loosely dissociated lens fiber cell bundles (
Fig. 2), and single lens fibers that are detached from neighboring cells (
Figs. 3–
7). Immunostaining of three neighboring fiber cell segments showed that F-actin is enriched in protrusions and paddles, and that the complex morphology of this ingenious 3D zipper is well preserved in these partially separated fibers (
Fig. 2). Three-dimensional reconstruction of the lens fibers shows interlocking paddles and protrusions between adjacent cells (
Fig. 2A) and alignment of paddle domains between cells of neighboring layers (
Fig. 2B, red arrows, green and pink cells). While difficult to visualize in these images, each fiber cell has three sets of coordinated paddles and protrusions along the short sides, corresponding to the three vertices located on the short sides.
6,9,10,13 Two-dimensional (2D) projections of single XZ planes reveal normal hexagonal fiber cell shapes with enriched F-actin along the short sides near vertices, and less intense F-actin staining along the broad sides (
Figs. 2C,
2D, hexagonal cell body outlined with blue dashed lines). The XZ projection through the cell neck (
Fig. 2C) shows smooth F-actin staining along the cell membrane, while the XZ projection through a region with paddles (
Fig. 2D) reveals F-actin–rich regions of paddles and protrusions at their vertices (red asterisk). This is analogous to the view seen in a typical equatorial cross section through mature lens fibers that have undergone denucleation, ∼150 to 200 μm from the lens capsule (
Fig. 2E, hexagonal cell body outlined with blue dashed lines and paddles and protrusions indicated by a red asterisk). An extended focus image of the flattened Z-stack of the individual fiber cells clearly demonstrates the interlocking paddles and protrusions between adjacent cells (
Fig. 2F). Single optical projections in the XY plane (
Figs. 2G,
2H) reveal slight gaps between the interlocking domains of adjacent cells (green and white cells in
Fig. 2G, pink and white cells in
Fig. 2H). In favorable views of a fiber cell edge, F-actin appears more highly enriched in the small protrusions compared to paddles (
Fig. 2G, far left edge of fiber cell). Note that due to the 3D nature of these complex interdigitations, single optical planes do not show all of the protrusions and paddles along the short sides of each cell. Our results indicate that our new immunostaining method for detached single fibers faithfully preserves fiber cell morphology observed in situ by SEM (
Fig. 1), thus allowing detailed studies of the proteins required for the formation and/or stability of protrusions and paddles along fiber cell vertices.