To determine changes in oculomotor behavior after 10 sessions of perceptual learning on a letter discrimination task in children with infantile nystagmus (IN).
Children with IN (18 children with idiopathic IN and 18 with oculocutaneous albinism accompanied by IN) aged 6 to 11 years were divided into two training groups matched on diagnosis: an uncrowded training group (n = 18) and a crowded training group (n = 18). Target letters always appeared briefly (500 ms) at an eccentric location, forcing subjects to quickly redirect their gaze. Training occurred twice per week for 5 consecutive weeks (3500 trials total). Norm data and test-retest values were collected from children with normal vision (n = 11). Outcome measures were: nystagmus characteristics (amplitude, frequency, intensity, and the expanded nystagmus acuity function); fixation stability (the bivariate contour ellipse area and foveation time); and saccadic eye movements (latencies and accuracy) made during a simple saccade task and a crowded letter-identification task.
After training, saccadic responses of children with IN improved on the saccade task (latencies decreased by 14 ± 4 ms and gains increased by 0.03 ± 0.01), but not on the crowded letter task. There were also no training-induced changes in nystagmus characteristics and fixation stability. Although children with normal vision had shorter latencies in the saccade task (47 ± 14 ms at baseline), test-retest changes in their saccade gains and latencies were almost equal to the training effects observed in children with IN.
Our results suggest that the improvement in visual performance after perceptual learning in children with IN is primarily due to improved sensory processing rather than improved two-dimensional oculomotor behavior.
Infantile nystagmus (IN) is characterized by the presence of rhythmic, bilateral oscillations of the eyes and is defined by its onset in the first few months of life. Infantile nystagmus may appear without an afferent visual defect, in which case it is called idiopathic IN, or with an afferent visual defect, such as albinism.
1 Visual perception in children with IN is limited by oculomotor and sensory deficits.
2 Shorter foveation periods, caused by the presence of involuntary oscillating eye movements, are related to poorer visual acuity (VA).
2–4 In addition, sensory factors, such as foveal hypoplasia and visual deprivation, can further degrade visual acuity in subjects with IN.
5,6 Interventions that successfully dampen the nystagmus generally do not result in large acuity improvements.
7–9 In adults with amblyopia, visual training can improve visual performance in an impressive manner.
10 Recently, we found that perceptual learning (PL), which refers to long-term performance increase resulting from perceptual experience,
11 results in robust visual acuity improvements in children with IN.
12 The goal here is to evaluate changes in two-dimensional (2D) oculomotor behavior after perceptual learning in this group of children.
Visual acuity of individuals with IN is severely degraded by the presence of surrounding contours or objects.
13–16 Therefore, our training focused on improving visual performance under crowded circumstances. Our training also included a stringent temporal constraint; near-threshold stimuli were only presented briefly (500 ms) to the left or to the right of an initial center stimulus, and children had to redirect their gaze in order to discern the target. Saccade latencies in adults with IN are longer than in normal adult controls (0.25 vs. 0.19 seconds) when discriminating the orientations of gratings presented 3° away from fixation.
To evaluate whether training with distractors benefitted children with IN, two training conditions were compared: a crowded condition with Landolt-Cs surrounded by distractors and an uncrowded condition with isolated Landolt-Cs. While significant distance and near visual acuity improvements were observed in both training groups, crowded near visual acuity improvements and reductions in crowding intensity were only observed in the crowded letter-training group. Possible oculomotor mechanisms that might support the observed vision improvements could be: shorter saccade reaction times, more accurate saccade landing positions, improved fixation stability, and/or longer foveation durations.
Here, we investigate training-induced changes in fixation and saccadic eye movements. Fixation stability can be quantified with the bivariate contour ellipse area (BCEA).
18 The bivariate contour ellipse area is a single measure for eye position variability within a specified time window. Individuals with central scotomas and amblyopia show enlarged BCEAs.
19–21 In subjects with IN, there is a positive correlation between foveation duration and visual acuity.
3,22 Training-induced acuity improvements might thus be related to prolonged foveation periods after training. Saccade latencies are also longer for individuals with IN compared with individuals with normal vision (NV),
17,23 which might explain the longer visual search times in children with IN.
24–26 Faster saccade initiation and improved landing position would particularly facilitate visual performance on tasks with time restrictions, such as our training tasks, since it would bring the target longer and closer to the center of the fovea. Both saccade latencies and accuracy are evaluated in this study.
The saccade task was performed binocularly at 50 cm from the screen. Stimuli were white circular dots (193.8 cd/m2) with a diameter of 0.5° on a black background (0.3 cd/m2). At the start of each trial, a central fixation dot was presented for 400 to 1000 ms after which the peripheral saccade target appeared for 600 ms. Children were instructed to fixate and follow the dots as fast and accurate as possible. Targets were presented pseudorandomly at five eccentricities (2, 5, 9, 18, and 27°) and 8 directions (0:45:315°) and were presented three times, resulting in a grand total of 114 trials ([4 × 8 × 3] + [1 × 6 × 3] = 114 trials). Two outcome measures were collected for the saccade task: saccade accuracy and saccade latency of primary saccades. Saccade accuracy was quantified in 2D by the amplitude gain (amplitude ratio between real and perfect saccade) and direction error (unsigned angular difference between real and perfect saccade, |Δφ|).
During pre- and posttest sessions, children were seated in front of the monitor with their head supported by a head- and chinrest. After calibration of the eye tracker, they first performed the fixation and saccade task, then the single-letter and crowded-letter task, and finally the reading task. Data from the single-letter task and reading task are not included in the present report, but see Refs. 12 and 27 for results. Children with IN were measured within 2 weeks before and after training. Children with normal vision were measured twice with a 7- to 10-day interval. At retest, they only performed the saccade and letter discrimination tasks.
Nystagmus Characteristics.
Fixation Stability.
Saccade Accuracy and Latency on Saccade Task.
Saccade Gain and Latency on Crowded Letter Task.
Nystagmus Characteristics.
Fixation Stability.
Saccade Accuracy and Latency on Saccade Task.
Saccade Gain and Latency on Crowded Letter Task.
The success rate on the crowded letter task did not change after training (pre: 67% ± 4%, post: 67% ± 5%). Gains and latencies of the goal-directed responses were also unaltered (F[1,16] = 3.10, P = 0.099, partial η2 = 0.17, and F[1,15] = 2.86, P = 0.111, partial η2 = 0.16, respectively, Fig.8).
Saccade Accuracy and Latency on Saccade Task.
Saccade Gain and Latency on Crowded Letter Task.
The goal of the present study was to determine changes in oculomotor behavior after perceptual learning in children with IN. Baseline comparisons showed that children with IN had larger fixation instability, shorter foveation durations, lower saccade accuracy, and longer saccadic latencies than children with normal vision. We found no baseline differences in saccade gain and latency between children with IN and children with normal vision on the crowded training task. After training, saccade accuracy increased and latency of children with IN decreased in the saccade task. However, test-retest effects in children with normal vision were very similar to training effects in children with IN, indicating that the changes in oculomotor measures found in children with IN are probably not due to improved oculomotor control, but rather a consequence of being more familiar with the task.
Training did not induce changes in nystagmus characteristics or fixational eye movements. Visual performance, on the other hand, improved dramatically on the crowded letter task after training. This finding suggests that fixation stability does not necessarily have to improve for training to enhance visual performance in children with IN. It could be though that the task demand of our fixation task was too low and there was no functional gain for children to suppress or manipulate their nystagmus.
Training also had no effect on the accuracy and latency of saccades in the crowded letter task. This clearly shows that changes in saccade behavior cannot account for the better visual performance in this task either. Not only did the accuracy of crowded letter identification increase after training, subjects with IN also became 0.47 ± 0.09 seconds faster. The latter was also observed in children with normal vision (
Supplementary Data and
Supplementary Fig. S2). These findings show that children quickly learned to deal with the demands of the crowded letter task, but not that changes in saccade behavior truly contributed to the improved vision of children with IN. After training, children with IN showed improved performance on the saccade task, but it is difficult to attribute the improvements in saccade accuracy and latency to the training since test-retest effects in children with normal vision were quite similar. It is possible that test retest effects in children with IN are different from those in children with normal vision (e.g., because of different learning rates). However, neither the changes in saccade accuracy nor the changes in saccade latencies were significantly correlated with any of the training-induced improvements in visual acuity (all
r values ≤0.4 and all
P values > 0.1; see
Supplementary Data for details).
We thus conclude that the observed changes in saccade behavior cannot account for the robust improvements in visual performance after perceptual learning in children with IN. We cannot fully exclude that there were changes in binocular coordination; but taken together, our findings strongly suggests that our training paradigms primarily enhanced visual attention and/or low level sensory processing, at least on the short term. It is possible that in the longer term, the subtle improvements in oculomotor behavior do support (further) improvements in visual performance.
The authors thank the parents and children for their participation.
Supported by the ODAS Foundation and Landelijke Stichting voor Blinden en Slechtzienden (LSBS), which contributed through UitZicht, and Bartiméus Sonneheerdt. The funding organizations had no role in the design or conduct of this research.
Disclosure: B. Huurneman, None; F.N. Boonstra, None; J. Goossens, None