Recent advances have raised the possibility of novel therapies based on tissue engineering techniques for the treatment various diseases.
27,28 cHCECs expanded in in vitro culture can be mixtures of cHCEC SPs with distinct CST, which has been causing an obstacle to definitive refinement of the features of cHCECs.
Because HCECs can be grown in culture,
29–34 a cHCEC injection therapy to treat corneal endothelial dysfunctions has been extensively explored.
35–40 Cultured cells generally tend to include a potential risk of karyotype changes.
41,42 Thus, cHCECs need to be strictly monitored in regard to quality, as it is vital that both safety and stability of the cells be ensured in the clinical setting. The possibility exists of a leakage from anterior chamber-injected cHCECs into a vein and reaching other organs such as the liver. Also, there is the possibility that the pharmacodynamics are distinct among SPs involved in cHCECs. Under these critical situations, we were forced to perform the karyotyping of cHCECs as a preclinical study. Although we do not think aneuploidy itself directly guarantees or dampens the safety of the cells, many studies were required to satisfy the governmental regulations under the pharmaceutical affairs law.
To date, no HCEC-specific cell surface antigens have been described. Glypican-4 and CD200 have been proposed as HCEC markers to distinguish HCECs from corneal stromal fibroblasts.
43 However, one problem associated with the culture of HCECs is the composites with distinct and vulnerable CST that are evident in cHCECs.
44 CD200, as reported by Cheong et al.,
43 was not differentiated from among the HCECs. However, we found that it is expressed on the SPs of cHCECs with a certain CST (Toda M, unpublished data, 2016). The group of CD antigens reported recently by Okumura et al.
45 might actually not be practical for the clinical setting because in that study the authors tried to discriminate between only nonfibroblastic phenotypes retaining normal functions and those undergoing fibroblastic changes. The findings of the present study clearly demonstrate the presence of SPs in nonfibroblastic cells with karyotype abnormality. To identify the quality of cHCECs from the aspect of their use in the clinical setting, a much more detailed analysis is needed to distinguish SPs with CST other than fibroblastic changes in cHCEC. Hence, the aim of this study was to specify the cell surface CD antigens expressed on cHCEC SPs, with or without aneuploidy, in order to clarify whether the aneuploidy thus far observed in cHCECs is dependent on the presence of specific SPs with distinct differentiation phenotypes.
In the current study, cultured HCECs demonstrated aneuploidy in most cases, regardless of the passages from the primary culture to fifth passage. The aneuploidy in cHCECs observed in this study may have been induced during cell division in culture. Consistent with the observation of Miyai et al.,
25 most of the abnormal karyotypes observed in the cHCECs might have been induced at a very early stage during culture due to the presence of abnormalities even at the primary culture (
Table 1, lots 4, 5, and 6). Although statistical analysis was not carried out, there may be a significantly positive correlation between donor age and frequency of aneuploidy, as pointed out by Miyai et al.
In addition, although we did not analyze the change of telomere length in this study, chronic cellular stress driven by low levels of DNA damage or telomere erosion is often involved in the prolonged culture process. It may be of interest to elucidate the presence or absence of polarized changes of telomere lengths among distinctive SPs of cHCECs.
In this study, cHCECs tended to have a chromosome mosaic of sex chromosome monosomy and trisomy on chromosomes 6, 7, 12, and 20. Previous studies reported an age-dependent loss in sex chromosomes in peripheral lymphocytes,
46–49 bone marrow cells,
49 corneal keratocytes,
50,51 and cHCECs.
17 Thus, the loss of sex chromosomes is a frequent phenomenon associated with age-dependent chromosome abnormality, regardless of cell type. The findings in this study coincided well with those of Miyai et al.,
25 at least in terms of the loss of sex chromosomes but not in regard to the presence of trisomy on chromosomes 6, 7, 12, and 20, because their report described trisomy only on chromosome 8. It has been reported that chromosome 8 trisomy mosaic syndrome is associated with corneal opacity.
25 Thus, further detailed study is necessary to elucidate this discrepancy regarding the location of trisomy. Our results also indicated that cHCECs for clinical therapies should be efficiently obtained from young donors. Moreover, careful examination of the karyotype in cHCECs is crucial before their use should be considered in the clinical setting.
Flow cytometry analysis demonstrated that the cHCEC SP, semipurified by MACS, with the surface expression of CD166+, CD105−, CD44−, CD24−, and CD26− did not show any kind of aneuploidy in 50 cells. Even in this SP, the presence of CD90+ and CD90– SPs were indicated (Hamuro J, unpublished observations, 2016) but that finding might not have any effect on the karyotyping results described here.
The findings in the present study are the first to directly indicate the presence of a cHCEC SP devoid of karyotype aneuploidy, thus opening the door for its use in the clinical setting. In contrast, the CD166+, CD44+++, CD24−, and CD26+ cHCEC SP showed sex chromosome loss in 100% of the cells, whereas the CD166+, CD44+++, CD24+, and CD26− SP exhibited, albeit partly, trisomy on chromosomes 6, 7, 12, and 20. In our preliminary yet extensive experiments, the fresh human corneal endothelial cells in situ showed no sign of the presence of CD24, CD26, CD44, and CD90, but it uniformly displayed the expression of CD166 (Toda M, unpublished observations, 2016). This indicates that the phenotypes of cHCEC SP specified here (i.e., with complete absence of aneuploidy) may well coincide with those of HCECs in fresh corneal endothelium tissues.
It should be noted that in vivo data supporting the claim that the specified SP without aneuploidy has a direct impact on the outcome of endothelial repair is critical. Our findings of the good correlation between the in vivo endothelial density measured by specular microscopy and the improvement of central corneal thickness and VA post cHCEC injection therapy with the SP without aneuploidy confirmed here will be published elsewhere (manuscript in preparation).
In conclusion, the new findings presented in this study show that the thus-far reported presence of aneuploidy in cHCEC culture is closely restricted to limited cHCEC SPs.