How relevant are these studies of sdOCT identification of RNFL thinning in an animal model of PMD to what has been reported in MS? A recent study on the retina of a murine model of PMD (the
jimpy mouse) showed that the structure of the retina is normal at 22 days of age despite severe dysmyelination of the optic nerve though no loss of axons.
55 The optic nerves in the
shp show a clear loss of axons that appears to increase in time. The earliest evidence of axon degeneration was noted at 4 months, though notable areas of axon loss and gliosis were not apparent until much later (two or more years). We propose that this chronic loss of axons may resemble what happens in progressive MS, either primary or secondary, at least in a background of unensheathed axons with no or minimal inflammation.
56 There is no evidence of inflammation in the
shp optic nerves, brain, and spinal cord
16 and, more recently, an exploration of differential gene expression in the spinal cord using RNAseq has shown no evidence of an increase in expression of inflammatory molecules (Duncan and Svaren, unpublished data). It is not known why optic nerve axons degenerate in this model, unlike axons in the brain and spinal cord that appear relatively well preserved.
16 Perhaps the chronic lack of myelin insulation results in axon death due to a lack of growth factors, similar to what has been proposed to occur in chronic MS plaques
56,57 and that this risk is greater for some reason in the optic nerve. Certainly, there are clear axon–glial–myelin sheath interactions that are required for long-term axon survival.
58–60 Despite the fact that the relationship between optic nerve damage and RNFL thinning has been demonstrated in animal models of experimental glaucoma,
9,10 the cellular mechanisms involved in this process are poorly understood. The
shp model replicates what occurs following chronic myelin loss or absence and, hence, better matches what happens in MS.